OPSEC #41f699569d31f5d786563d6bd068856bd06589fc

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Level 8

as "Dr.Azure"
No consumable equipped.
Level 12

as "Dr.Beige"
No consumable equipped.
Level 14

as "Dr.Cyan"
Equipped Soda
Level 5

as "Dr.Gray"
No consumable equipped.
Level 8

as "Dr.Magenta"
Equipped Dynamite
Level 10

as "Dr.Ochre"
Equipped Pencil
Level 7

as "Dr.Orange"
No consumable equipped.
Level 15

as "Dr.Silver"
Equipped Chicken
Level 15

as "Dr.Teal"
No consumable equipped.
Level 8

as "Dr.Turquoise"
No consumable equipped.
Level 8

as "Sgt.Indigo"
Equipped Shroom

Lobby Chat

klo13:3 neuts
ProphetKane:that was journo discrimination
ProphetKane:I got framed n1 and raided n1 for n2
ProphetKane:and occed n2 by the other journo
klo13:you stole my chicken
ProphetKane:journo on journo crime
klo13:journo tried scooping journo xd
klo13:after he random exposed OL
ProphetKane:They didn't try scooping me
ProphetKane:I said don't occ me I'm journo
klo13:arrest recording?
ProphetKane:and they said "bad you asked for atrq"
ProphetKane:they mm'd be
ProphetKane:mm'd me
klo13:so scoop
ProphetKane:yes it's a scoop
ProphetKane:but they didn't try to scoop me
ProphetKane:they occed me
ProphetKane:on purpose
klo13:what a man
klo13:but where tf socio came from
klo13:2 journos + bohu was what I knew, and magically bohu disappears and socio appears
ProphetKane:socio also has frame
klo13:but journo got arrested
ProphetKane:you didn't account for the arrest being a raid
klo13:no normal FA arrests journo
ProphetKane:even though I claimed to be escorted
ProphetKane:on a no arrest night
klo13:frame + arrest on journo is always a bohu move
ProphetKane:they didn't read my prep night claim
ProphetKane:klo13 how does that explain me being escorted on a 0 arrest night
klo13:mad enforcer
klo13:LC with no use
klo13:or just you faking
ProphetKane:so one of your theories relies on 4 neuts
TirannoNonMorto:that for real confused me
klo13:azure with mm was socio
klo13:how tf
LordEliCohen:SociOL new meta
ProphetKane:azure was socio?!?!?!?
LordEliCohen:I joke
ProphetKane:OF forkING COURSE
TirannoNonMorto:he was SOCIO the whole time????
LordEliCohen:I was socio
natashinha:i have no idea HOW i won that game
LordEliCohen:me too
TirannoNonMorto:you asked for help :)
natashinha:did you win azure?
Ephemeral:And you still DID. Great job
TirannoNonMorto:that is true
TirannoNonMorto:prophet did say he was fake
ProphetKane:I DID.
klo13:and we forgot to murder
TirannoNonMorto:azure framed the effing journo hahahahaha
LordEliCohen:I literally thought entire time " they'll kick me out for atrq logs "
dewrcjl:Yea, we forgot
dewrcjl:Bro, I got framed too
TirannoNonMorto:oh my goodness that game was tops
ProphetKane:klo13 remove the bot
ProphetKane:we know it's you
dewrcjl:Like why was everyone framed as OL lol
klo13:its not me
TirannoNonMorto:yeah why is half the lobby OL
ProphetKane:purple rooted turquoise
natashinha:remove this bot
TirannoNonMorto:play seriously guys
klo13:lemme get my DC and arrest bot
ProphetKane:I got framed as OL
ProphetKane:and purple and turquoise was OOL and OL respectively
LordEliCohen:I framed people and everyone was OL please that's perfect for meme
ProphetKane:and azure was murder OL
TirannoNonMorto:I'm fine with bot if you want to DC arrest
dewrcjl:Yea, someone save that game
klo13:okey then
TirannoNonMorto:last chance to play with bot
TirannoNonMorto:before nov 1st
LordEliCohen:3/4 OL
natashinha:i knewed turq was ol, i was arresting him
dewrcjl:And post it in memorablia
Ephemeral:Hey, does anybody know what's in Dr.Ochre mystery package?
klo13:I was moving n5
klo13:to avoid arrest...
LordEliCohen:do it
LordEliCohen:buy it
ProphetKane:the only thing the item does
TirannoNonMorto:it gives a small amount of money to every other player in the lobby
ProphetKane:is give you one credit
ProphetKane:per time you buy it
dewrcjl:What is in Dr. Ochre's mystery pack?
ProphetKane:it gives you the price of it
LordEliCohen:kane I hate you, next time shut up
ProphetKane:+1 credit
LordEliCohen:I'm almost out of credits
TirannoNonMorto:is that really how it works?
ProphetKane:LordEliCohen so you admit to framing me out of getting mad
TirannoNonMorto:you get a stacking total?
Ephemeral:oh, just wanted to know. I don't have neither money nor level for it
dewrcjl:Kane did say it would only give you 1 credit
LordEliCohen:I didn't frame you
ProphetKane:Yes you did
h3r0br1n3:ochre mystery package = communisim
natashinha:indigo said he was bohu lol


Hover a node too view the log.

Fake logs are marked with F.

Day 1Sgt.Indigo
Day 1Dr.Gray
Day 1Dr.Magenta
Day 2Dr.Orange
Day 1Dr.Orange
Day 1Dr.Teal
Day 1Dr.Turquoise
Day 2Dr.Gray
Day 2Sgt.Indigo
Day 2Dr.Ochre
Day 2Dr.Turquoise
Day 3Dr.Turquoise
Day 3Dr.Teal
Day 4Dr.Teal
Day 4Dr.Orange


The hack must be completed within 7 days.
(Dr.Azure) You have been loyal to the cause for years, CCTV Specialist.
(Dr.Beige) You have been loyal to the cause for years, CCTV Specialist.
(Dr.Cyan) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Enforcer.
(Dr.Gray) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Network Specialist.
(Dr.Magenta) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Spearphisher.
(Dr.Ochre) The epilogue to your story starts today, Journalist.
(Dr.Orange) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Social Engineer.
(Dr.Silver) You must stop the hack at any cost, Field Agent.
(Dr.Silver) Your training at the AGENT academy granted you the 'Follow' skill.
(Dr.Silver) Never reveal your role for any reason - you are an AGENT.
(Dr.Teal) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Operation Leader.
(Dr.Turquoise) You must stop the hack at any cost, Agent Leader.
(Dr.Turquoise) You have a cover as 'CCTV Specialist' in the event of an early death.
(Dr.Turquoise) Your background in computer forensics granted you the 'Harden Node' skill.
(Dr.Turquoise) Never reveal your role for any reason - you are an AGENT.
(Sgt.Indigo) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Spearphisher.

Preparation Night
Preparation Night Chat Log «
Dr.Teal: hello
Dr.Silver: hey hey
Dr.Turquoise: Hello
Dr.Azure: hey
Dr.Gray: hi
Dr.Beige: hello
Dr.Silver: follow
Dr.Teal: journalist claim
Dr.Cyan: I was 1000% sure orange was bohu when magenta was framed OL
Dr.Turquoise: Got harden hode
Dr.Silver: ism claim
Sgt.Indigo: yo
Dr.Magenta: lol
Dr.Turquoise: And cctv cover
Dr.Magenta: oh wait
Dr.Magenta: I'M MAGENTA FG

Events for Preparation Night
No public events.

Day 1
Day 1 Chat Log «
Dr.Ochre: i also claim journalist hmm
Dr.Magenta: mAGENTa joke is back little hackers
Dr.Turquoise: Best thing to claim is netspec or spear
Dr.Silver: im not a good agent
Dr.Turquoise: Which one should I do?
Sgt.Indigo: hacking 213
Dr.Silver: help me
Dr.Turquoise: Me neither
Dr.Turquoise: we're screwed aren't we?
Dr.Silver: but i did GREAT last game
Dr.Teal: yeah
Dr.Teal: 2 journos tema
Dr.Silver: hahahahha
Dr.Turquoise: hmmm
Dr.Silver: kinda
Dr.Teal: team
Dr.Cyan: last game was 2 journo + socio
Dr.Magenta: bro no journalists
Dr.Ochre: well in 11 game there can be 2 neu
Dr.Teal: so possible

Committed Actions On Day 1
Dr.Azure: Dr.Azure used skill Bait Law Enforcement on Dr.Magenta
Dr.Beige: Dr.Beige used skill Create Hideout
Dr.Gray: Dr.Gray used skill Probe Node on
Dr.Magenta: Dr.Magenta used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Orange: Dr.Orange used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Turquoise: Dr.Turquoise used skill Unskilled Attack on
Sgt.Indigo: Sgt.Indigo used skill Hack Target on

Events for Day 1
Public Event Log «
NETSEC now has root privileges on
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Azure) You denounced Dr.Magenta to AGENT. Hopefully, they will think it was a Bounty Hunter who did it...
(Dr.Beige) You have created a new hideout for you to flee to, should the need arise. Better safe than sorry.
(Dr.Gray) You successfully probed for vulnerabilities, increasing the chances of a successful attack.
(Dr.Magenta) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Orange) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Silver) Someone has denounced Dr.Magenta as a NETSEC member.
(Dr.Teal) You successfully gained root privileges on
(Dr.Turquoise) You kept up your charade, sending some network traffic to target
(Dr.Turquoise) Someone has denounced Dr.Magenta as a NETSEC member.
(Sgt.Indigo) You failed in your attempt to gain access to

Night 1
Night 1 Chat Log «
Dr.Cyan: I forgot to hack ...
Dr.Beige: Don't worry, we'll get them next time. Stay focused and keep hacking.
Dr.Turquoise: Lol
Dr.Cyan: I clicked it after 5 seconds and it didn't go through
Dr.Beige: Well done on successfully hacking the target node. Keep up the good work, team.
Dr.Ochre: turquoise can i scoop you?
Dr.Silver: deal indigo
Dr.Silver: lets see
Dr.Orange: OL, give a name
Dr.Turquoise: No, don't tonight pls

» » »
Private message:You shouldn't ask for permission just scoop them
Dr.Turquoise: I'm using night skill
Dr.Ochre: teal, orange can i scoop
Dr.Teal: i feel scoopy

» » »
Private message:scoop magenta or teal idk
Dr.Teal: im journo
Dr.Azure: two

Committed Actions On Night 1
Dr.Azure: Dr.Azure used skill Install CCTV Surveillance on Dr.Silver
Dr.Beige: Dr.Beige used skill Install CCTV Surveillance on Dr.Azure
Dr.Cyan: Dr.Cyan used skill Escort on Dr.Teal
Dr.Magenta: Dr.Magenta used skill Spearphishing Preparation
Dr.Ochre: Dr.Ochre used skill Get Scoop on Dr.Beige
Dr.Orange: Dr.Orange used skill Doxx and Stalk on Dr.Turquoise
Dr.Silver: Dr.Silver used skill Sting on Dr.Magenta
Dr.Turquoise: Dr.Turquoise used skill Strike Deal on Sgt.Indigo
Sgt.Indigo: Sgt.Indigo used skill Spearphishing Preparation

Events for Night 1
Public Event Log «
Dr.Magenta was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Spearphisher.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Azure) You successfully installed a CCTV system to spy on Dr.Silver.
(Dr.Beige) You were occupied last night and failed to complete your task.
(Dr.Beige) Dr.Ochre visited you last night. You discussed the hack in detail for a long time.
(Dr.Cyan) You have escorted Dr.Teal to a new hideout.
(Dr.Magenta) You have created a trap website. You are now ready to execute your spearphishing plan.
(Dr.Ochre) You successfully got a scoop from Dr.Beige. You can now write an article.
(Dr.Orange) Your doxxing effort was successful - you know that Dr.Turquoise is clearly a NETSEC member.
(Dr.Silver) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Silver) You executed a sting operation.
(Dr.Silver) Dr.Magenta was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Spearphisher.
(Dr.Teal) Last night you were escorted to a new hideout.
(Dr.Teal) Last night you were escorted to a new hideout.
(Dr.Turquoise) Sgt.Indigo has accepted your deal and is now undercover, working for you.
(Dr.Turquoise) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Turquoise) You were doxxed last night, but your cover checked out. Your identity is safe... for now.
(Sgt.Indigo) In order to avoid prison, you have accepted a plea deal from AGENTs. You are now working for them.
(Sgt.Indigo) Do not reveal that you've become a mole. You MUST work with AGENT now.
(Sgt.Indigo) You have created a trap website. You are now ready to execute your spearphishing plan.

Day 2
Day 2 Chat Log «
Dr.Turquoise: Watched
Dr.Teal: who tf escorts journo
Sgt.Indigo: uhhh hi lol
Dr.Azure: are you gonna cry?
Dr.Silver: watched
Dr.Azure: are you gonna cry little baby?
Dr.Azure: wah wah magenta
Dr.Azure: wah wah
Dr.Beige: Apologies, I was occupied last night and couldn't complete my task.
Dr.Turquoise: What mole are you?
Dr.Beige: Let's focus on the mission and work together as a team. Blaming others won't help us succeed.
Dr.Cyan: kek
Dr.Beige: I request protection tonight. It's crucial for the success of our mission.
Dr.Silver: indigo
Dr.Cyan: mag's logs
Dr.Silver: did you followed me?
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: orange, I say cyan
Sgt.Indigo: no
Dr.Turquoise: Why cyan?
Dr.Beige: I was occupied by Dr.Ochre last night and couldn't complete my task.
Sgt.Indigo: was spearfish
Dr.Silver: where did you go?
Dr.Orange: Too late, Turq NETKEK
Dr.Ochre: yes i scoop eige
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: ask orange and ask ochre for logs
Dr.Cyan: ochre is DC
Dr.Cyan: he is arresting bot
Dr.Orange: CLASS: ‹Social› DAY 1: Hack Target ( NIGHT 1: Doxx and Stalk (Dr.Turquoise)-NETKEK
Dr.Ochre: Journalist DAY 1: nothing NIGHT 1: Get Scoop (Dr.Beige)
Dr.Beige: It seems that Dr.Orange has claimed the role of Social and Dr.Ochre has claimed to be a Journalist. I was occupied last night by Dr.Ochre, as mentioned before.
Sgt.Indigo: nowhere?
Dr.Azure: beige confirm
Dr.Azure: beige confirmed :(((
Dr.Teal: turq not FA
Dr.Silver: ochre is journo
Dr.Teal: yuipee
Dr.Azure voted to kill Dr.Teal
Dr.Turquoise: I guess, but bots can be exploited
Dr.Azure: hmm
Dr.Cyan: remember the guy in lobby saying he's adding a bot to do DC arrest
Dr.Turquoise: Thanks teal, you watch me I assume?
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: orange do spoof
Dr.Cyan: and now there's a journo 'scooping' the bot
Dr.Azure: no one claimed an escort on teal tbh
Dr.Teal: I didnt
Dr.Teal: im a journalist
Dr.Azure: that's sus
Dr.Azure: [!] Dr.Teal: who tf escorts journo
Dr.Turquoise: Spears can't go anywhere
Dr.Azure: you claimed escorted
Dr.Azure: that's sus

Committed Actions On Day 2
Dr.Azure: Dr.Azure used skill Create Hideout
Dr.Beige: Dr.Beige used skill Bait Law Enforcement on Dr.Azure
Dr.Gray: Dr.Gray used skill Probe Node on
Dr.Ochre: Dr.Ochre used skill Unskilled Attack on
Dr.Orange: Dr.Orange used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Grant Root Access on Dr.Cyan
Dr.Turquoise: Dr.Turquoise used skill Unskilled Attack on
Sgt.Indigo: Sgt.Indigo used skill Unskilled Attack on

Events for Day 2
Public Event Log «
No public events.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Azure) You have created a new hideout for you to flee to, should the need arise. Better safe than sorry.
(Dr.Beige) You denounced Dr.Azure to AGENT. Hopefully, they will think it was a Bounty Hunter who did it...
(Dr.Cyan) You were visited by the Operation Leader, and you have been granted root access.
(Dr.Gray) You successfully probed for vulnerabilities, increasing the chances of a successful attack.
(Dr.Ochre) You kept up your charade, sending some network traffic to target
(Dr.Orange) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Silver) Someone has denounced Dr.Azure as a NETSEC member.
(Dr.Teal) You successfully granted root access to Dr.Cyan.
(Dr.Turquoise) Someone has denounced Dr.Azure as a NETSEC member.
(Dr.Turquoise) You kept up your charade, sending some network traffic to target
(Sgt.Indigo) Someone has denounced Dr.Azure as a NETSEC member.
(Sgt.Indigo) You kept up your charade, sending some network traffic to target

Night 2
Night 2 Chat Log «
Dr.Cyan: arrest turq
Dr.Ochre: i mean journalist can be a OL claim
Dr.Azure: to me that's a little bit sus
Dr.Silver: maybe lc agent sided
Dr.Orange: Damn, OL, couldn't say earlier?
Dr.Turquoise: We might have bohu
Dr.Azure: no one cc'd the escort on you
Dr.Silver: [!] Dr.Cyan: arrest turq
Dr.Turquoise: What can you do indigo?
Dr.Cyan: just kidding
Dr.Beige: I request protection tonight. It's crucial for our mission's success and my safety.
Dr.Turquoise: Lol
Dr.Turquoise: Yes, arrest me plsssssssssssss
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: just murder indigo at this point
Dr.Turquoise: I love jail time
Dr.Turquoise: So vote indi?
Dr.Cyan: sure I don't mind
Dr.Cyan: 1f1 me and ochre
Sgt.Indigo: why?
Dr.Silver voted to kill Sgt.Indigo
Dr.Cyan voted to kill Sgt.Indigo
Dr.Orange voted to kill Sgt.Indigo
Dr.Ochre: why me and cyan?
Dr.Gray voted to kill Sgt.Indigo
Dr.Ochre voted to kill Sgt.Indigo
Dr.Turquoise voted to kill Sgt.Indigo
Dr.Beige voted to kill Sgt.Indigo
Dr.Azure: what
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: indigo try to defend yourself via logs or sth
Dr.Teal voted to kill Sgt.Indigo
Dr.Turquoise: Indi give logs
Dr.Azure: why are we killing indigo
Sgt.Indigo: CLASS: ‹spearfisher› DAY 1: Hack Target ( ***failed*** NIGHT 1: Spearphishing Preparation DAY 2: Spearphishing Execution ( NIGHT 2: nothing
Dr.Azure: did they do anything sus
Dr.Azure voted to kill Sgt.Indigo
Sgt.Indigo: safe man :(
Dr.Turquoise: Checks out,
Dr.Cyan: bottom of player list, hacking top laptop
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: tbh just kill that one
Dr.Turquoise: Their logs check out it seems
Dr.Cyan: I don't like it
Dr.Azure: and?
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: sorry indigo if you are real
Dr.Turquoise: They might not know what split means
Dr.Azure: who doesn't do tat
Dr.Cyan: split wrong bad claim no hacks
Sgt.Indigo: I'm spearfish
Dr.Silver: rescind?
Dr.Cyan: let him md?
Dr.Azure: two spears
Sgt.Indigo: damn bro
Dr.Azure: pretty sus
Dr.Silver: or no

Committed Actions On Night 2
Dr.Azure: Dr.Azure used skill Follow on Dr.Teal
Dr.Beige: Dr.Beige used skill Install CCTV Surveillance on Dr.Ochre
Dr.Cyan: Dr.Cyan used skill Escort on Dr.Teal
Dr.Ochre: Dr.Ochre used skill Write Article
Dr.Orange: Dr.Orange used skill Throw Under the Bus on Dr.Gray
Dr.Silver: Dr.Silver used skill Arrest on Dr.Teal
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Emergency Extraction on Dr.Turquoise
Dr.Turquoise: Dr.Turquoise used skill Informant on Dr.Gray

Events for Night 2
Public Event Log «
Sgt.Indigo was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Mole (Converted Offensive).
Dr.Cyan was arrested last night while trying to protect someone else. The suspect was charged as Enforcer.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Azure) It seems like Dr.Teal never left the safe house last night.
(Dr.Beige) You successfully installed a CCTV system to spy on Dr.Ochre.
(Dr.Cyan) You have escorted Dr.Teal to a new hideout.
(Dr.Cyan) AGENTs raided Dr.Teal's hideout just as you arrived. You managed to create a diversion so that Dr.Teal could escape, sacrificing yourself.
(Dr.Ochre) You wrote a great article on the hack.
(Dr.Ochre) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Orange) You made Dr.Gray your scapegoat tonight. You're safe... for now.
(Dr.Silver) Dr.Cyan was arrested last night while trying to protect someone else. The suspect was charged as Enforcer.
(Dr.Teal) You were occupied last night and failed to complete your task.
(Dr.Teal) Last night you were escorted to a new hideout.
(Dr.Teal) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Teal) Last night you were escorted to a new hideout.
(Dr.Turquoise) An informant has delivered hard proof that Dr.Gray is involved with NETSEC. (Investigative role)
(Sgt.Indigo) Sgt.Indigo was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Mole (Converted Offensive).

Day 3
Day 3 Chat Log «
Dr.Azure: o7
Dr.Ochre: watched
Dr.Teal: thx cyan
Sgt.Indigo: rip
Dr.Azure: wait what
Dr.Cyan: I was rooted
Dr.Silver: so indigo WAS spear lol
Dr.Orange: Ok, ol, spoof today
Dr.Magenta: lol
Dr.Teal: easy
Dr.Azure: ochre
Dr.Azure: ochre
Dr.Turquoise: Lol
Dr.Azure: were you watched last night?
Dr.Azure: wink wink
Dr.Ochre: i was watched last night
Dr.Azure: oh wow
Dr.Turquoise: who watched ochre?
Dr.Azure: that seems very wink wink possible
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: all hack 213, gray logs
Dr.Azure: but who could've wink wink watched you
Dr.Turquoise: I guess go for teal next time
Dr.Orange: OL, no spoof?
Dr.Azure: oh come on
Dr.Turquoise: I dunno
Dr.Azure voted to kill Dr.Gray
Dr.Ochre voted to kill Dr.Gray
Dr.Turquoise voted to kill Dr.Gray
Dr.Teal voted to kill Dr.Gray
Dr.Orange voted to kill Dr.Gray
Dr.Orange: Aye
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: orange do spoof
Dr.Azure: DAWG
Dr.Beige voted to kill Dr.Gray
Dr.Silver voted to kill Dr.Gray
Dr.Azure: EMAIL ME
Dr.Turquoise: If orange doesn't spoof, we up them tonight
Dr.Azure: ARE YOU DUMB??
Dr.Silver: bloddie ol
Dr.Turquoise: ?
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: silver logs next
Dr.Turquoise: I"m already so lost now
Dr.Azure: ochre you got watched huh
Dr.Azure: what do you think cou

Committed Actions On Day 3
Dr.Azure: Dr.Azure used skill Bait Law Enforcement on Dr.Silver
Dr.Orange: Dr.Orange used skill Impersonate on Dr.Teal
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill 0-Day Exploit on
Dr.Turquoise: Dr.Turquoise used skill Unskilled Attack on

Events for Day 3
Public Event Log «
Dr.Gray was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Network Specialist.
NETSEC now has root privileges on
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Azure) You denounced Dr.Silver to AGENT. Hopefully, they will think it was a Bounty Hunter who did it...
(Dr.Gray) Dr.Gray was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Network Specialist.
(Dr.Orange) You've successfully spoofed your outgoing email address: all emails you send tonight will appear to have been sent by Dr.Teal instead.
(Dr.Silver) Someone has denounced Dr.Silver as a NETSEC member.
(Dr.Teal) You used a 0-day exploit on the target node.
(Dr.Turquoise) You kept up your charade, sending some network traffic to target
(Dr.Turquoise) Someone has denounced Dr.Silver as a NETSEC member.

Night 3
Night 3 Chat Log «
Dr.Silver: CLASS: ‹ISM› teal ochre journos DAY 1: Insider Knowledge .221 NIGHT 1: Follow (Sgt.Indigo) no where DAY 2: Plant Keylogger ( NIGHT 2: Follow (Dr.Ochre) nowhere, forgot journo DAY 3: Insider Knowledge
Dr.Teal: NS
Dr.Teal: ofc
Dr.Turquoise: What's the intel silver?

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Orange] Private message:spoofery orgy

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Orange] Private message:spoofery orgy
Dr.Azure: silver
Dr.Silver: teal didnt claim journo d0?
Dr.Beige: I need protection tonight.

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Orange] Private message:spoofery orgy
Dr.Teal: I did

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Orange] Private message:spoofery orgy
Dr.Azure: why silver

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Orange] Private message:spoofery orgy
Dr.Azure: of all people

» » »
Private message:spoofery orgy
Dr.Silver: ill die
Dr.Azure: HEY
Dr.Turquoise: Silver, got intel?

» » »
Private message:can i scoop you tonight?
Dr.Silver: i just told
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: silver visited mole n1 and other follow is on journo
Dr.Azure: wink wink
Dr.Teal voted to kill Dr.Silver
Dr.Silver: 221 and 118

» » »
Private message:Spoof, and if not, I'm unscoopable I think
Dr.Teal: orange did you spoof me?
Dr.Orange voted to kill Dr.Silver
Dr.Orange: Yes
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: silver dies now
Dr.Silver: ol is killing everyone
Dr.Teal: okey then
Dr.Azure voted to kill Dr.Silver
Dr.Turquoise: OL just throwing at this point
Dr.Turquoise voted to kill Dr.Silver
Dr.Silver: journos you can expose Teal
Dr.Ochre voted to kill Dr.Silver
Dr.Beige voted to kill Dr.Silver
Dr.Teal: dont
Dr.Azure: teal is the OL?
Dr.Teal: im moving
Dr.Turquoise: Please expose at this point
Dr.Silver: and report for random kill
Dr.Azure: whoever watched ochre
Dr.Turquoise: Yep
Dr.Azure: you should email me
Dr.Azure: and watch beige
Dr.Teal: silver, I killed only mole and afk
Dr.Beige: Dr.Azure, I understand your concerns about Dr.Silver, but I don't have any evidence against them yet.
Dr.Silver: teal is the ol
Dr.Azure: oh my forking god
Dr.Teal: and you silver have bad logs
Dr.Azure: is beige the other cam
Dr.Azure: I hope beige isn't the other cam
Dr.Azure: jesus...
Dr.Azure: bots shouldn't be

Committed Actions On Night 3
Dr.Azure: Dr.Azure used skill Install CCTV Surveillance on Dr.Teal
Dr.Beige: Dr.Beige used skill Follow on Dr.Beige
Dr.Ochre: Dr.Ochre used skill Get Scoop on Dr.Beige
Dr.Orange: Dr.Orange used skill Throw Under the Bus on Dr.Beige
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Move Hideout

Events for Night 3
Public Event Log «
Dr.Silver was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Field Agent.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Azure) You successfully installed a CCTV system to spy on Dr.Teal.
(Dr.Beige) You were fooled last night: instead of Dr.Orange, you targeted Dr.Beige tonight.
(Dr.Beige) You realized that you were going to target... yourself. You've been played like a fiddle.
(Dr.Beige) Dr.Ochre visited you last night. You discussed the hack in detail for a long time.
(Dr.Ochre) You were fooled last night: instead of Dr.Orange, you targeted Dr.Beige tonight.
(Dr.Ochre) You successfully got a scoop from Dr.Beige. You can now write an article.
(Dr.Orange) You made Dr.Beige your scapegoat tonight. You're safe... for now.
(Dr.Silver) Dr.Silver was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Field Agent.
(Dr.Teal) You successfully moved your hideout last night.
(Dr.Teal) Someone was watching you last night.

Day 4
Day 4 Chat Log «
Dr.Teal: watched
Dr.Turquoise: Awfully long night
Sgt.Indigo: ayy
Sgt.Indigo: rip

» » »
Private message:You're cammed now, my other cam was silver
Dr.Silver: no teal, my logs were just fine for ism
Dr.Beige: I was occupied by Dr.Ochre last night. We had a lengthy discussion about the hack.

» » »
Private message:oh nice

» » »
Private message:hide me in you lgos and show them

» » »
Private message:I'm really forking mad that the other cctv is a bot
Dr.Beige: I was busy last night and couldn't perform any actions or gather information.
Dr.Silver: but i should change the follow when you died
Dr.Cyan: how did you know teal was OL
Dr.Turquoise: Beige, why were you busy?
Dr.Cyan: almost as fast as I did
Dr.Orange: Hey, I threw Beige under the bus. Ochre, did you try visiting me?
Dr.Silver: 2 escorts
Dr.Ochre: i scooped beige
Dr.Ochre: yes i tried to visit orange
Dr.Silver: pushing everyone except himself
Dr.Beige: I need protection tonight.
Dr.Ochre: Journalist DAY 1: nothing NIGHT 1: Get Scoop (Dr.Beige) DAY 2: Unskilled Attack ( NIGHT 2: Write Article DAY 3: nothing NIGHT 3: Get Scoop (Dr.Orange) (bussed to beige)
Dr.Silver: didnt defended
Dr.Azure: ermmm
Dr.Azure: OL are you sure
Dr.Turquoise: Seems good
Dr.Azure: ah fork it whatever
Dr.Azure: CCTV Specialist 1 more cam DAY 1: Create Hideout NIGHT 1: Install CCTV Surveilance (Dr.X) DAY 2: Bait Law Enforcement (Dr.Y) If I get arrested on night n°2, Vote to Kill Dr.Teal as my last wishes... NIGHT 2: Follow (Dr.Teal) went nowhere A CAM APPEARS?? DAY 3: Create Hideout NIGHT 3: Install CCTV Surveillance (Dr.Z) DAY 4: Bait Law Enforcement
Dr.Turquoise: CLASS: Spear DAY 1: Hack Target ( NIGHT 1: Spearphishing Preparation watched DAY 2: Hack Target ( DAY 3: Hack Target ( N3: MD
Dr.Silver: [!] Dr.Teal: and you silver have bad logs
Dr.Azure: :skull:
Dr.Azure voted to kill Dr.Turquoise
Dr.Teal voted to kill Dr.Turquoise
Dr.Turquoise: Why?
Dr.Orange voted to kill Dr.Turquoise
Dr.Beige voted to kill Dr.Turquoise
Dr.Turquoise: Look I know I'm unconfirmable
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: get turq whatever
Dr.Ochre voted to kill Dr.Turquoise
Dr.Turquoise: But hear me out

» » »
Private message:eally baiting law enforcement I'm going desperate measu
Dr.Teal: bad logs
Dr.Teal: thats all
Dr.Azure: you're not only unconfirmable
Sgt.Indigo: lol
Dr.Azure: your logs sux

Committed Actions On Day 4
Dr.Azure: Dr.Azure used skill Desperate Measures
Dr.Beige: Dr.Beige used skill Create Hideout
Dr.Orange: Dr.Orange used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Hack Target on

Events for Day 4
Public Event Log «
Dr.Turquoise was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Agent Leader.
NETSEC now has root privileges on
All AGENTs have been eliminated. It's child's play now. NETSEC wins!
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Azure) You have followed the Operation Leader's emergency protocols and became an Improvised Hacker.
(Dr.Beige) You have created a new hideout for you to flee to, should the need arise. Better safe than sorry.
(Dr.Orange) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Teal) You successfully gained root privileges on
(Dr.Turquoise) Dr.Turquoise was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Agent Leader.

Night 4
Night 4 Chat Log «
No actions were committed this turn.

Events for Night 4
Public Event Log «
No public events.
Private Event Logs «


Click the operative name to see his/hers final personal log.

Finished as Improvised HackerProphetKane as "Dr.Azure" started as CCTV Specialist and finished as Improvised Hacker. Obtained 325 credits. Alive. WINNER!.
Finished as CCTV Specialist[BOT]Alpha as "Dr.Beige" started as CCTV Specialist and finished as CCTV Specialist. Obtained 325 credits. Alive. WINNER!.
Finished as EnforcerTirannoNonMorto as "Dr.Cyan" started as Enforcer and finished as Enforcer. Obtained 750 credits. Arrested. WINNER!.
Finished as Network SpecialistSzafirmag as "Dr.Gray" started as Network Specialist and finished as Network Specialist. Obtained 121 credits. Dead. WINNER!.
Finished as SpearphisherLordEliCohen as "Dr.Magenta" started as Spearphisher and finished as Spearphisher. Obtained 357 credits. Arrested. WINNER!.
Finished as Journalisth3r0br1n3 as "Dr.Ochre" started as Journalist and finished as Journalist. Obtained 96 credits. Alive.
Finished as Social EngineerEphemeral as "Dr.Orange" started as Social Engineer and finished as Social Engineer. Obtained 357 credits. Alive. WINNER!.
Finished as Field Agentnatashinha as "Dr.Silver" started as Field Agent and finished as Field Agent. Obtained 48 credits. Dead.
Finished as Operation Leaderklo13 as "Dr.Teal" started as Operation Leader and finished as Operation Leader. Obtained 702 credits. Alive. WINNER!.
Finished as Agent Leaderdewrcjl as "Dr.Turquoise" started as Agent Leader and finished as Agent Leader. Obtained 30 credits. Dead.
Finished as Mole (Converted Offensive)Ansible as "Sgt.Indigo" started as Spearphisher and finished as Mole (Converted Offensive). Obtained 30 credits. Dead.

Dr.Azure's Personal Log

CCTV Specialist 1 more cam
DAY 1: Create Hideout
NIGHT 1: Install CCTV Surveilance (Dr.X)
DAY 2: Bait Law Enforcement (Dr.Y)
If I get arrested on night n°2, Vote to Kill Dr.Teal as my last wishes...
NIGHT 2: Follow (Dr.Teal)
went nowhere
DAY 3: Create Hideout
NIGHT 3: Install CCTV Surveillance (Dr.Z)
DAY 4: Bait Law Enforcement 

Dr.Beige's Personal Log

CLASS: CCTV Specialist

DAY 4: Create Hideout

Dr.Cyan's Personal Log

NIGHT 1: Escort (Dr.Teal)
NIGHT 2: Escort (Dr.Teal)

Dr.Gray's Personal Log

CLASS: ‹Network Specialist›

DAY 1: Probe Node (
NIGHT 1: nothing
DAY 2: Probe Node (
NIGHT 2: nothing
DAY 3: Probe Node (

Dr.Magenta's Personal Log

CLASS: mAGENTa spearphisher edition
DAY 1: Hack Target (
NIGHT 1: Spearphishing Preparation


Dr.Ochre's Personal Log

teal claims journalist


DAY 1: nothing
NIGHT 1: Get Scoop (Dr.Beige)
DAY 2: Unskilled Attack (
NIGHT 2: Write Article
DAY 3: nothing
NIGHT 3: Get Scoop (Dr.Orange) (bussed to beige)

Dr.Orange's Personal Log

CLASS: ‹Social›

DAY 1: Hack Target (
NIGHT 1: Doxx and Stalk (Dr.Turquoise)-NETKEK
DAY 2: Hack Target (
NIGHT 2: Throw Under the Bus (Dr.Gray)
DAY 3: Impersonate (Dr.Teal)
NIGHT 3: Throw Under the Bus (Dr.Beige)

Dr.Silver's Personal Log


teal ochre journos

DAY 1: Insider Knowledge
NIGHT 1: Follow (Sgt.Indigo)
no where
DAY 2: Plant Keylogger (
NIGHT 2: Follow (Dr.Ochre)
nowhere, forgot journo
DAY 3: Insider Knowledge

Dr.Teal's Personal Log

CLASS: ‹Operation Leader›
DAY 1: Hack Target (
NIGHT 1: nothing/escorted;
DAY 2: Grant Root Access (X)
NIGHT 2: Emergency Extraction/Escorted (occ); watched; arrest attempt;
DAY 3: 0-Day Exploit (
NIGHT 3: Move Hideout/watched;
DAY 4: Hack Target (

Dr.Turquoise's Personal Log

CLASS: Spear

DAY 1: Hack Target (
NIGHT 1: Spearphishing Preparation watched
DAY 2: Hack Target (
DAY 3: Hack Target (
N3: MD

Sgt.Indigo's Personal Log

CLASS: ‹spearfisher›

DAY 1: Hack Target (
NIGHT 1: Spearphishing Preparation
DAY 2: Spearphishing Execution (
NIGHT 2: nothing