OPSEC #48bab7b9dbcae2bda457ffe2cc476bb8d94365f0

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Level 13

as "Dr.Crimson"
No consumable equipped.
Level 9

as "Dr.Cyan"
Equipped Salty Meat
Level 13

as "Dr.Indigo"
Equipped Pills
Level 12

as "Dr.Magenta"
No consumable equipped.
Level 8

as "Dr.Mustard"
No consumable equipped.
Level 12

as "Dr.Purple"
No consumable equipped.
Level 5

as "Dr.Red"
No consumable equipped.
Level 14

as "Dr.Scarlet"
Equipped Soda
Level 12

as "Dr.Teal"
Equipped Pencil
Level 6

as "Ms.Blue"
Equipped Shroom

Lobby Chat

natashinha:came here to help you
natashinha:but my connection kinda sucks rn
Ephemeral:to help me wait? please, make yourself comfortable.
natashinha:to grow the lobby, people use to join if see more people
Ephemeral:^ do they?
natashinha:had problems with internet
BlackMamba:ping discord
BlackMamba:/setbot 2
BlackMamba:/setbots 2
natashinha:ill eat someting, but you can kick me if reach 10, witch i doubt
natashinha:i wont take more then 10 minutes
Ephemeral:Take as much as you need, I think people need at least a few hours to gather
natashinha:im back
natashinha:but ill sleep soon
Ephemeral:Hi. How long can you WAIT?
dewrcjl:Prob 40 mins then dc for 10-20 min and I'll come back and give update for how long I can wait
dewrcjl:after dc
Ephemeral:oh, disconnect, got it
dewrcjl:Also gonna be afk for now too
Ephemeral:See you
Ephemeral:/setbot 3
Ephemeral:Hm, only up to 2 bots.
dewrcjl:One sec, got to fix my audio settings real quick
dewrcjl:I'll be back
dewrcjl:I'm back
dewrcjl:Why'd you remove bots?
Ephemeral:Even with max (2) we don't have enough (10)
dewrcjl:Yeah, but some peeps will see the lobby at 4/10 and join
Ephemeral:See, still only two online players and this is the function everyone in Discord relies on
dewrcjl:Not everyone has discord tho
dewrcjl:I know a few players who join a few times during the week and don't have discord
dewrcjl:Plus, as long as we get 6 more players, we still have game, which is better than no game
Ephemeral:Let me check...
Ephemeral:Yes, it is shown as 3/16.
Ephemeral:Do you know how Blackmailed Informant perk of Rival Hacker works?
dewrcjl:Not sure, I'm guessing it's if the AL uses Informant, the RH gets the info from the informant too
dewrcjl:But you should ask in the discord
Ephemeral:Doesn't seem to be working.
dewrcjl:Hey I need to dc now, but I'll try to be back in 10-25 mins, might be longer than that tho
Ephemeral:/setbots 0
dewrcjl:Might not get game rn, but in 16 hrs, that tends to be when everyone is on
louisa1986007:Sucks that more people don't play anymore
Ephemeral:so, 4 confirmed players. hoodini is cooking smth too, the famous Soon(tm)
louisa1986007:used to be an incredible game
Ephemeral:still is just hard to gather and play it.
Ephemeral:Not that I know, second day...
louisa1986007:yeah absolutely
louisa1986007:yeah i played when it first came out there were so many people playing
louisa1986007:not so much anymore
Ephemeral:Why do you think that is the case? The interest is gone? The genre is saturated - much more games per player?
louisa1986007:it might honestly be the genre the game is, and that it doesn't have much advertisement
louisa1986007:it would be a fun game for some youtubers to play but they just don't know about the game
louisa1986007:it would probably become more popular again if some youtubers played it
Ephemeral:Wasn't there a streamer here? Just met today in a game.
louisa1986007:must have been a small one
louisa1986007:or maybe i'm just playing a bit late so not as many people are on
Ephemeral:Yes, it was about 5 hrs ago.
louisa1986007:are more people on earlier in the day? it's 1:45am for me
Ephemeral:Guess everyone has a different time zone with just a few clusters. one relatively big would correspond to Americas,
louisa1986007:yeah, you american?
Ephemeral:No but in Canada rn
louisa1986007:you from canada or just there rn
Ephemeral:Just there for foreseeable future.
louisa1986007:yeah i've heard it's a nice place to live
louisa1986007:i would move to either canada or maybe germany
Ephemeral:Quite so if you know where NOT to live.
louisa1986007:yeah haha most places are like that
louisa1986007:they all have their rough areas
Ephemeral:Indeed. Many of us grew with "that one" house in neighborhood or a particularly rowdy floor in apartments.
louisa1986007:absolutely, i guess my house could have been that house cause a lot of domestic violence happened in my house unfortunately
Ephemeral:Oh,should I avoid the subject os is it done, dead, buried and forgotten?
louisa1986007:i'm only 18 and it only stopped about a year ago but i don't shy away from the subject.
dewrcjl:Also, is blackmamba coming back?
louisa1986007:i didn't even see that he left, damn
louisa1986007:been here for a while
Ephemeral:There is no message...
Ephemeral:You joined simultaneously
dewrcjl:RIP, me joining caused them to dcd lol
louisa1986007:yeah it was weird
louisa1986007:like perfect timing
dewrcjl:I think someone joining caused the system to kick them out cause it says they timed out
louisa1986007:we could maybe get some people from the discord if you guys are in it
dewrcjl:Yea, I'm down
louisa1986007:it's discord.gg/untrusted if not
louisa1986007:it won't let me join
dewrcjl:Huh, weird
Ephemeral:I just noticed there are 8 different hoodini.
dewrcjl:Yep, hoodini the OG
dewrcjl:The one with the cat pfp is the hoodini in=game
Ephemeral:And others are their profile nicks or similar, right?
dewrcjl:Also, I need to get some food, so I'll be afk for 30-40 mins, if I dc prob cause I timed out
dewrcjl:Not really
Ephemeral:Yer back!
dewrcjl:Like if you clikc on tehir profile, it might tell you who they are in-game but not all of them
louisa1986007:might get a game!
dewrcjl:Oh Blackmamba, you're new right?
louisa1986007:i might as well be new as well been a while since i played
louisa1986007:hopefully i'll get the hang of it
dewrcjl:I guess you should refresh your knowledge using the class guide louisa
louisa1986007:can i do that whilst in the lobby?
dewrcjl:Well welcome blackmamba
dewrcjl:Gtg afk, rn
louisa1986007:may i ask how?
BlackMamba:ephmeral setbots 2
dewrcjl:You should also setbots to 2 ephemeral so that way peeps know that we only need 4 more
Ephemeral:Louisa, your platform?
louisa1986007:or steam even possibly
Ephemeral:fn- Function, near left Ctrl
Ephemeral:Control, that is
Ephemeral:All bottom left on the keyboard
louisa1986007:none of them are working for some reason
louisa1986007:i don't have an function key
louisa1986007:just ctrl and then the windows key. nothing inbetween
Ephemeral:Hmm, are you in Discord? Find me (same nick) with a photo.
louisa1986007:says you're not accepting friend requests
Ephemeral:I'm not? wait a sec...
Ephemeral:Nope, everyone should be able.
louisa1986007:i figured it out
louisa1986007:i just have to use f1 to see the classes
Ephemeral:Strange but so long as it works
louisa1986007:anyone managed to find anyone wanting to play?
Ephemeral:I don't know if anybody is even online. Have to go name by name.
dewrcjl:Oh just type !mm
dewrcjl:It should ping anyone with the matchmaking status
Ephemeral:Tried that.
dewrcjl:In matchmaking?
Ephemeral:Where else
dewrcjl:It worked, /matchmaking doesn't actually ping btw
Ephemeral:Darn, tried to ping 7 ppl at once and was timed out.
louisa1986007:that's crazy
Ephemeral:Only a minute but that was only a warning shot.
louisa1986007:didn't realisr you could be timed out for trying to get 7 people to play lmao
Ephemeral:Discord auto mod. An indiscriminate justice
louisa1986007:mamba is gone again
Ephemeral:Oh, I think I know! Mamba finishes the client without disconnecting first - refreshes browser page
Ephemeral:or closes the window/app
Ping:bots are bench made
Ephemeral:I felt that. Are they worth anything except starting a game with 8 live players?
Ping:in 15's they can be cool
Ping:but otherwise
Ping:1 is the max
louisa1986007:how many people do we need for a game ideally?
Ephemeral:We need 10, no, 9 minimum. The more the merrier
Ping:10 is minimum, but for good games 12-13 is nice to have
Ping:16 is ideal tho
louisa1986007:so we're still a while away from getting a game :(
dewrcjl:Oh hi Ping, hey Alex!
dewrcjl:Also, what happened to one of the bots?
louisa1986007:ping said 2 was only good with 15's
Ephemeral:Greetings, unidentified lifeform.
louisa1986007:is 3 am i'm gonna fall asleep waiting for this game lmao
dewrcjl:I mean, considering that not many others might join, 2 bots might be best to get game
dewrcjl:Oh that's rough louisa
dewrcjl:Plus, if mamba comes back we'll have 8/10 instead of 7/10
louisa1986007:yeah he's been gone for a while
dewrcjl:Oh, how come it doesn't say in the chat that they disconnected?
louisa1986007:idk it didn't last time either
dewrcjl:That's so weird...
dewrcjl:Also, louisa, if you kick yourself you get an achievement (on Steam version)
/kick dewrcjl
>>> Vote ignored
louisa1986007:that's pretty funny
/kick louisa1986007
>>> Vote ignored
louisa1986007:stop hitting yourself lol
/kick Ephemeral
>>> Vote ignored
/kick Ping
>>> Vote ignored
louisa1986007:that's a fum achievement
Ephemeral:/kick [BOT]Beta
Ping:that and FS win was the only ones i was missing
dewrcjl:Oh rip, were you trying to get that this whole time ping?
Ping:i thought it, from the title i knew, was like using murder skill on someone who used bus on you
dewrcjl:Lmao, fair
dewrcjl:Can you murder yourself like that actually?
Ping:i dont think so, it throws a message
Ping:though its such an unlikely occurance it made sense for it to be an achievment and it killing you
dewrcjl:I have seen mole murder AL before tho, bc of bus
Ping:now i just need a fs win
Ping:i dont think ive played more than 2 games as FS
dewrcjl:Well that ain't happening with the lobby sizes these days, or lobbies without mutators
Ping:well we had a fs game earlier today
Ping:just i spawned as al not fs
dewrcjl:Oh yea, but that was mutator
Ping: nah
Ping:just 2 added bots
dewrcjl:I think I remember that game, I think I was FA lol, but how does adding bots add FS?
Ping:fs only spawns in 13+ games
Ping:chance gets added more and more after 13p
Ping:its not even 100% in a 16p
Ephemeral:Alright, it's my turn to disappear in search for sustenance.
dewrcjl:Stay on but be afk pls
dewrcjl:We might get game, once ephemeral comes back and adds another bot, and another player of course
ConstantlyConfu:/setbots 2
dewrcjl:Also, ping, is the game you're refering to the one where everyone was upset at the host d0?
louisa1986007:yeah i've been here for an embarrasingly long time
Ephemeral:I'm back. Do you know anyone else who too will respond to personal ping?
Ephemeral:Not with block+report though
Ping:shirt im back
Ping:yes dewrcjl
dewrcjl:Could you add another bot ephemeral?
dewrcjl:Oh yeah, I think I was you're FA ping
Ping:no i was al
louisa1986007:we just need one more?
Ping:yeah you were the fa
dewrcjl:Yep, pinged already in discord
dewrcjl:I don't think I said anything ot you that whole game aside from "cyan is socio, arresting ____ and then not telling you who I
dewrcjl:was arresting n1 lol
dewrcjl:welp frick
Ephemeral:What roles do you prefer?
louisa1986007:is there no mutators to make a fair game with the people we have? or can we physically not start the game?
dewrcjl:What do you mean fair game?
Ephemeral:Impossible without 10 participants
dewrcjl:And we cannot start game until we have 10 players including bots
Ephemeral:2 bots is max
louisa1986007:i meant like equal game so one side isn't like too strong but nvm
dewrcjl:Depends on how good the players are, but most of the time mutators make it unbalanced unless you want a really wacky game lol
Ephemeral:We can try screwing both sides equally.
Ephemeral:Yaay, one more!
louisa1986007:cmon gods
louisa1986007:just one more
dewrcjl:We also got Jme coming
dewrcjl:We got game!
dewrcjl:Ready up everyone
Ping:guys i think its time for me to get off
Ping:me when i lie
ConstantlyConfu:consider this:
ConstantlyConfu:it's funny because localhost
Ping:ive been here for 2hrs
Jme:Wow confu
Jme:I'm really good at hacking that ip specifically
Jme:like I can execute whatever I want on there
Jme:straight from my computer!
louisa1986007:tbf i think i've been here for 3 lmao
Ping:yeah the localhost has dogshirt security
dewrcjl:Oh boy, I think we have a case of AlexAFK
Jme:so true
Ephemeral:AlexJones? Snake? Nooo
dewrcjl:Yea, sometimes they just forget they're on, and go afk
Ping:to be faier
Ping:i did that
Ping:and just got back
Ephemeral:In times like this I wish I could knock directly on that person's doo
Ephemeral:or cranium
louisa1986007:it's 4am i'm gonna cry if he doesn't ready up lmao
dewrcjl:If you're a good enf you can pull it off :)
/kick AlexJones
>>> Total votes: 1
louisa1986007:we actually voting for that?
dewrcjl:Just doing that so he might hear the sound effect
/kick AlexJones
>>> Total votes: 2
dewrcjl:If they don't ready up tho, we have to so we can start game if we get another person
Jme:but we dont have a game yet
Jme:Might be able to get another person on tho
dewrcjl:But well, Alex is prob perma afk rn considering their track record
dewrcjl:And i don't think Jrat is joining considering what they sent in discord lol
AlexJones:oh my
AlexJones:well im in a dnd session rn
dewrcjl:Lets gooooooo
AlexJones:but i can ready
dewrcjl:Thank you!
dewrcjl:And have fun
dewrcjl:lecljz you bakc yet?
dewrcjl:I think they said they were alove for a bit


Hover a node too view the log.

Fake logs are marked with F.

Day 1Ms.Blue
Day 1Dr.Crimson
Day 1Dr.Magenta
Day 1Dr.Purple
Day 2Dr.Magenta
Day 1Dr.Mustard
Day 2Dr.Purple
Day 6Dr.Magenta
Day 6Dr.Purple
Day 1Dr.Teal
Day 3Ms.Blue
Day 3Dr.Magenta
Day 3Dr.Purple
Day 4Dr.Purple
Day 5Dr.Purple
Day 5Dr.Magenta
Day 6Ms.Blue
Day 2Dr.Red
Day 2Dr.Teal
Day 2Dr.Mustard
Day 2Ms.Blue
Day 2Dr.Scarlet
Day 2Dr.Crimson
Day 4Dr.Magenta
Day 5Ms.Blue
Day 5Dr.Teal
Day 5Dr.IndigoF
Day 5Dr.PurpleF
Day 5Dr.CrimsonF
Day 3Dr.Red
Day 3Dr.Teal
Day 4Dr.Crimson
Day 4Dr.PurpleF
Day 4Dr.TealF
Day 4Dr.IndigoF
Day 4Ms.Blue
Day 4Dr.Mustard


The hack must be completed within 7 days.
(Dr.Crimson) You must stop the hack at any cost, Agent Leader.
(Dr.Crimson) You have a cover as 'Spearphisher' in the event of an early death.
(Dr.Crimson) Your background in computer forensics granted you the 'Impersonate' skill.
(Dr.Crimson) Never reveal your role for any reason - you are an AGENT.
(Dr.Cyan) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Enforcer.
(Dr.Indigo) You have been loyal to the cause for years, CCTV Specialist.
(Dr.Magenta) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Spearphisher.
(Dr.Mustard) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Social Engineer.
(Dr.Purple) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Analyst.
(Dr.Red) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Operation Leader.
(Dr.Scarlet) You must stop the hack at any cost, Field Agent.
(Dr.Scarlet) Your training at the AGENT academy granted you the 'Misdirection' skill.
(Dr.Scarlet) Never reveal your role for any reason - you are an AGENT.
(Dr.Teal) The epilogue to your story starts today, Journalist.
(Ms.Blue) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Spearphisher.

Preparation Night
Preparation Night Chat Log «
Dr.Teal: o/
Dr.Magenta: hey there
Dr.Cyan: boring role claim d0
Dr.Cyan: o7
Dr.Purple: hey
Dr.Mustard: Hey!
Dr.Teal: journo is me
Dr.Red: hey
Dr.Mustard: kk
Dr.Crimson: yo
Ms.Blue: Finally!

Events for Preparation Night
No public events.

Day 1
Day 1 Chat Log «
Dr.Cyan: [!] Dr.Teal: journo is me
Dr.Teal: mmhm
Dr.Cyan: journo outing n0
Dr.Mustard: Watch OL be the afk player
Dr.Cyan: agent sided play
Ms.Blue: Where to go, boss?
Dr.Crimson: feelin NS
Dr.Teal: so true bestie
Dr.Cyan: It is tho
Dr.Mustard: OL?
Dr.Mustard: Aw frick
Dr.Teal: I mean, it's fairly simple to prove I'm not an agent though. just dox me
Dr.Cyan: no
Dr.Crimson: indigo and scarlet has no messages
Dr.Teal: it's a stupid play
Dr.Crimson: so

Committed Actions On Day 1
Dr.Crimson: Dr.Crimson used skill Unskilled Attack on
Dr.Indigo: Dr.Indigo used skill Create Hideout
Dr.Magenta: Dr.Magenta used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Mustard: Dr.Mustard used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Purple: Dr.Purple used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Unskilled Attack on
Ms.Blue: Ms.Blue used skill Hack Target on

Events for Day 1
Public Event Log «
NETSEC now has root privileges on
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Crimson) You kept up your charade, sending some network traffic to target
(Dr.Indigo) You have created a new hideout for you to flee to, should the need arise. Better safe than sorry.
(Dr.Magenta) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Mustard) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Purple) You successfully gained root privileges on
(Dr.Teal) You kept up your charade, sending some network traffic to target
(Ms.Blue) You failed in your attempt to gain access to

Night 1
Night 1 Chat Log «
Dr.Cyan: ag3ent sided journo
Dr.Cyan: not literal agent
Dr.Teal: ah, that's what you mean
Dr.Mustard: Only after n4 can we confirm jorno not agent
Dr.Crimson: scarlet get back
Dr.Crimson: arrest indigo
Dr.Crimson: pleaseeee
Dr.Purple: I need protection tonight.
Dr.Cyan: no purple
Dr.Cyan: no one protec purple
Dr.Teal: no mustard? If I doxx as netsec, I die
Dr.Crimson: true
Dr.Cyan: so true bestie
Dr.Crimson: journo kinda sick wit it
Dr.Mustard: Bro
Dr.Cyan: imagine journo silently got the one of us skill
Dr.Mustard: That aint how it works lol

Committed Actions On Night 1
Dr.Crimson: Dr.Crimson used skill Strike Deal on Dr.Teal
Dr.Cyan: Dr.Cyan used skill Escort on Ms.Blue
Dr.Magenta: Dr.Magenta used skill Spearphishing Preparation
Dr.Mustard: Dr.Mustard used skill Throw Under the Bus on Dr.Teal
Dr.Purple: Dr.Purple used skill Ask The Right Question on Ms.Blue
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Get Scoop on Dr.Cyan
Ms.Blue: Ms.Blue used skill Spearphishing Preparation

Events for Night 1
Public Event Log «
No public events.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Crimson) You were fooled last night: instead of Dr.Mustard, you targeted Dr.Teal tonight.
(Dr.Crimson) Dr.Teal has refused the plea deal. Good thing you kept your identity a secret, or this could have ended badly for you.
(Dr.Cyan) You were occupied last night and failed to complete your task.
(Dr.Cyan) Dr.Teal visited you last night. You discussed the hack in detail for a long time.
(Dr.Magenta) You have created a trap website. You are now ready to execute your spearphishing plan.
(Dr.Mustard) You made Dr.Teal your scapegoat tonight. You're safe... for now.
(Dr.Purple) You were unable to tie any hack to Ms.Blue.
(Dr.Teal) Someone tried to strike a plea deal with you, oblivious of your real identity. You refused.
(Dr.Teal) You successfully got a scoop from Dr.Cyan. You can now write an article.
(Ms.Blue) You were occupied last night and failed to complete your task.
(Ms.Blue) Dr.Purple visited you last night. You discussed the hack in detail for a long time.

Day 2
Day 2 Chat Log «
Dr.Cyan: Teal
Dr.Teal: thanks for the plea deal ‹3
Dr.Cyan: Please don't mm me
Dr.Mustard: Wow, no arrest attempt?
Dr.Cyan: WAIT
Ms.Blue: Occupied, visited by Purp.
Dr.Purple: I need protection tonight.
Dr.Crimson: plea deal on journo?
Dr.Crimson: odd
Dr.Teal: agreed
Dr.Crimson: personally criminal
Dr.Teal: they probably thought I was faking
Dr.Cyan: Okay so that proves I'm not al
Dr.Scarlet: bruh
Dr.Crimson: smh
Dr.Cyan: and niether is teal
Dr.Scarlet: these ffers bought neut items
Dr.Mustard: Not really tho
Dr.Crimson: lock in!!!
Dr.Cyan: Teal mmd me
Dr.Teal: unless I'm lying and trying to cover for you, yeah
Dr.Indigo: back
Dr.Crimson: indigo is ol
Dr.Crimson: and afk
Dr.Cyan: Teal dont scoop me please
Dr.Teal: sure
Dr.Cyan: anyways did anyone get escorted?
Dr.Indigo: whats going on here
Dr.Cyan: Possible raid
Dr.Cyan: indego check event logs
Dr.Crimson: indigo
Dr.Cyan: if u got escorted

» » »
Private message:Teal, don't scoop me, I'm pretty sure I'm unscoopable
Dr.Crimson: we all know who you re
Dr.Crimson: are
Dr.Indigo: i didnt get escorted
Dr.Cyan: ur ol
Dr.Crimson: your role
Dr.Mustard: True
Dr.Crimson: yeah.

» » »
Private message:sure?
Dr.Scarlet: claiming netspec
Dr.Crimson: nope
Dr.Cyan: but then
Dr.Crimson: i already claimed ns
Dr.Cyan: half of chat is silent
Dr.Crimson: claim something else
Dr.Cyan: we up for scumreading?
Dr.Teal: yeah

» » »
Private message:Ibuss you last night, dead giveaway as to what I am

Committed Actions On Day 2
Dr.Crimson: Dr.Crimson used skill Unskilled Attack on
Dr.Magenta: Dr.Magenta used skill Download Intel on
Dr.Mustard: Dr.Mustard used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Purple: Dr.Purple used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Red: Dr.Red used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Scarlet: Dr.Scarlet used skill Unskilled Attack on
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Unskilled Attack on
Ms.Blue: Ms.Blue used skill Hack Target on

Events for Day 2
Public Event Log «
NETSEC now has root privileges on
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Crimson) You kept up your charade, sending some network traffic to target
(Dr.Magenta) You successfully discovered the IP address of the target: - and you immediately shared this information with everyone.
(Dr.Mustard) You successfully gained root privileges on
(Dr.Purple) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Red) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Scarlet) You kept up your charade, sending some network traffic to target
(Dr.Teal) You kept up your charade, sending some network traffic to target
(Ms.Blue) You failed in your attempt to gain access to

Night 2
Night 2 Chat Log «
Ms.Blue: How uneventfu
Dr.Cyan: So indigo is obv ol
Dr.Mustard: RIP
Dr.Cyan: gtg afk
Dr.Teal: can I expose them then?
Dr.Indigo: no
Dr.Mustard: Wait, indigo could be bot
Dr.Purple: I need protection tonight.
Ms.Blue: Not scarlet?
Dr.Scarlet: stinging indigo
Dr.Mustard: Who are da bots?
Dr.Teal: bots don't go afk though
Dr.Crimson: [!] Dr.Cyan: we up for scumreading?
Dr.Crimson: [!] Dr.Cyan: gtg afk
Dr.Crimson: first scumread: cyan.
Dr.Mustard: hmmm
Dr.Teal: [!] Dr.Mustard: Who are da bots?
Dr.Indigo: I like the color cyan
Dr.Teal: well, purple's one of the bots
Dr.Purple: Interesting accusations, but I assure you, I am not a bot. Let's focus on finding the real threats.
Dr.Mustard: Scarlet, give logs
Dr.Teal: of course purple, i agree 100 percent
Ms.Blue: How do you make these quotations
Dr.Cyan: back
Dr.Crimson: [!] Dr.Indigo: I like the color cyan
Dr.Mustard: Indigo give logs
Dr.Cyan: okay so
Dr.Crimson: you know who isnt a color here?
Dr.Cyan: crimson active
Dr.Crimson: mustard
Dr.Cyan: mustard active
Dr.Cyan: blue active
Dr.Indigo: thats sux
Dr.Cyan: indego ol
Dr.Mustard: Click on pfp, then click on caution sign next to chat
Dr.Crimson: mustard is a condiment
Dr.Crimson: not color
Dr.Red: mustard is kinda funny
Dr.Crimson: can we vote em
Dr.Mustard: lmao
Dr.Cyan: magenta NOT active
Dr.Magenta: Interesting discussions, but let's focus on finding the real threats and gathering more information.
Dr.Cyan: oh

Committed Actions On Night 2
Dr.Crimson: Dr.Crimson used skill Informant on Dr.Indigo
Dr.Cyan: Dr.Cyan used skill Escort on Dr.Indigo
Dr.Indigo: Dr.Indigo used skill Move Hideout
Dr.Mustard: Dr.Mustard used skill Throw Under the Bus on Dr.Teal
Dr.Scarlet: Dr.Scarlet used skill Sting on Dr.Indigo
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Expose Operation Leader on Dr.Indigo
Ms.Blue: Ms.Blue used skill Spearphishing Preparation

Events for Night 2
Public Event Log «
Dr.Cyan was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Enforcer.
Dr.Cyan was arrested last night while trying to protect someone else. The suspect was charged as Enforcer.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Crimson) An informant has delivered hard proof that Dr.Indigo is involved with NETSEC. (Field Operations role)
(Dr.Cyan) You have escorted Dr.Indigo to a new hideout.
(Dr.Cyan) AGENTs raided Dr.Indigo's hideout just as you arrived. You managed to create a diversion so that Dr.Indigo could escape, sacrificing yourself.
(Dr.Indigo) You were occupied last night and failed to complete your task.
(Dr.Indigo) Last night you were escorted to a new hideout.
(Dr.Indigo) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Indigo) Last night you were escorted to a new hideout.
(Dr.Mustard) You made Dr.Teal your scapegoat tonight. You're safe... for now.
(Dr.Scarlet) You executed a sting operation.
(Dr.Scarlet) Dr.Cyan was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Enforcer.
(Dr.Scarlet) Last night's operation was a failure. No evidence was found to warrant the arrest of Dr.Teal.
(Dr.Scarlet) Dr.Cyan was arrested last night while trying to protect someone else. The suspect was charged as Enforcer.
(Dr.Teal) You were unable to confirm Dr.Indigo as the Operation Leader and called off the livestream. What a fiasco.
(Dr.Teal) You discovered that Dr.Scarlet was behind your attempted arrest. There was no evidence against you.
(Ms.Blue) You have created a trap website. You are now ready to execute your spearphishing plan.

Day 3
Day 3 Chat Log «
Dr.Cyan: I call red and scarlet
Dr.Teal: that was rude
Dr.Indigo: Thank you for your sacrifice
Dr.Cyan: haven't said a word
Dr.Crimson: o7
Dr.Indigo: o7
Dr.Cyan: wait who died?
Ms.Blue: Ok, theres an agent bot
Dr.Crimson: CLASS: I protecc... I protecc... but most importantly, I protecc...
Dr.Mustard: Who was cyan escorting?
Dr.Cyan: shoot i died
Dr.Magenta: I require protection tonight.
Dr.Indigo: me
Dr.Mustard: kk
Dr.Crimson: I require protection tonight.
Dr.Indigo: I require protection tonight
Ms.Blue: Let's get rid of bots. 50% purp - agent
Dr.Crimson: what
Dr.Mustard: Can bots send broadcasts as OL actually?
Dr.Crimson: does that message mean
Dr.Crimson: bots cant spawn as ol
Dr.Mustard: oh
Dr.Crimson: idk what happens if bots get rooted
Dr.Mustard: And why is my game not letting me access my log for frick's sake
Dr.Crimson: because no one is dumb enough to root bots
Dr.Mustard: True
Dr.Crimson: indigo isnt ol
Dr.Crimson: wtf
Dr.Teal: i wouldn't be surprised if someone did on accident though
Dr.Mustard: But I want to see that now
Dr.Crimson: hes netsec fops

Committed Actions On Day 3
Dr.Magenta: Dr.Magenta used skill Spearphishing Execution on
Dr.Purple: Dr.Purple used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Red: Dr.Red used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Unskilled Attack on
Ms.Blue: Ms.Blue used skill Hack Target on

Events for Day 3
Public Event Log «
NETSEC now has root privileges on
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Magenta) You successfully executed your spearphishing attack. Hacking will be easier for everyone since they'll have some credentials to try out.
(Dr.Purple) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Red) You successfully gained root privileges on
(Dr.Teal) You kept up your charade, sending some network traffic to target
(Ms.Blue) You failed in your attempt to gain access to

Night 3
Night 3 Chat Log «
Dr.Indigo: hack 60 guys
Dr.Mustard: BRO, my game didn't let me do anything last day
Dr.Purple: Good job on hacking, Dr. Indigo. Keep up the good work.
Dr.Magenta: I need protection tonight. I fear that I may be targeted by the enemy.
Dr.Crimson: teal is journo
Dr.Mustard: BHs ddos tommorow
Dr.Crimson: dont forget to not arrest him
Dr.Purple: I'm afraid I cannot provide you with protection tonight. Stay vigilant and take necessary precautions.
Dr.Scarlet: im arresting red
Dr.Crimson: purple mag bots
Dr.Crimson: so either mustard red or blue is ol
Dr.Crimson: im moling blue
Ms.Blue voted to kill Dr.Purple
Dr.Crimson: ill rb tomorrow
Dr.Crimson: I need protection tonight.
Dr.Crimson voted to kill Dr.Purple
Ms.Blue: Then Magenta.
Dr.Magenta: I will do my best to ensure your safety tonight, Dr.Crimson. Stay calm and trust me.
Dr.Crimson: no.
Dr.Crimson: i wont.
Dr.Red voted to kill Dr.Purple

Committed Actions On Night 3
Dr.Crimson: Dr.Crimson used skill Strike Deal on Ms.Blue
Dr.Indigo: Dr.Indigo used skill Move Hideout
Dr.Magenta: Dr.Magenta used skill Spearphishing Preparation
Dr.Red: Dr.Red used skill Emergency Extraction on Dr.Indigo
Dr.Scarlet: Dr.Scarlet used skill Arrest on Dr.Red
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Write Article
Ms.Blue: Ms.Blue used skill Move Hideout

Events for Night 3
Public Event Log «
Dr.Red was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Operation Leader.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Crimson) Ms.Blue was not found at the suspected hideout. You were unable to force a deal for that reason.
(Dr.Indigo) You successfully moved your hideout last night.
(Dr.Indigo) Last night you were escorted to a new hideout.
(Dr.Magenta) You have created a trap website. You are now ready to execute your spearphishing plan.
(Dr.Red) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Red) You successfully sent a team for the emergency extraction of Dr.Indigo.
(Dr.Scarlet) Dr.Red was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Operation Leader.
(Dr.Teal) You wrote a great article on the hack.
(Ms.Blue) You successfully moved your hideout last night.

Day 4
Day 4 Chat Log «
Dr.Teal: damn. I missed my expose
Dr.Crimson: well
Dr.Crimson: i thought indigo was ol
Dr.Crimson: wtf
Dr.Purple: I understand that you need protection tonight. I will do my best to ensure your safety.
Dr.Magenta: I need protection tonight. I fear for my safety.
Dr.Indigo: hack 60
Ms.Blue: phishing the obj
Dr.Crimson: he moved hideout
Ms.Blue voted to kill Dr.Purple
Dr.Mustard: Bhs, make sure to use denial of service on captured nodes
Dr.Teal: are we voting the bot?
Dr.Mustard: No point
Dr.Mustard: We shouldn't cause they hack too
Dr.Teal: seems a bit silly this close, yea
Dr.Crimson: bots can turn to agent side

» » »
Private message:Im arresting mustard tonight
Dr.Indigo: we shouldnt vote the bots

» » »
Private message:thanks
Dr.Scarlet: Please occupy mustard tonight
Ms.Blue: One IS agent
Dr.Crimson: a 3v5 can become a 3v3 because bots dont vote
Dr.Indigo: how is one agent?
Dr.Mustard: But bots, can't do much as agent moles
Dr.Indigo: no
Dr.Crimson: i guess...
Ms.Blue: Double arrest?
Dr.Scarlet voted to kill Dr.Purple
Dr.Mustard: Not to mention they help us hack target
Dr.Indigo: just dont random vote

Committed Actions On Day 4
Dr.Crimson: Dr.Crimson used skill Rollback on
Dr.Magenta: Dr.Magenta used skill Download Intel on
Dr.Mustard: Dr.Mustard used skill Hack Target on
Ms.Blue: Ms.Blue used skill Spearphishing Execution on

Events for Day 4
Public Event Log «
Someone rolled back to a previous state - there are probably fake logs, too.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Crimson) You have successfully restored and added fake connection logs in the process.
(Dr.Indigo) You have created a new hideout for you to flee to, should the need arise. Better safe than sorry.
(Dr.Magenta) You were unable to find any useful data on
(Dr.Purple) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Ms.Blue) You successfully executed your spearphishing attack. Hacking will be easier for everyone since they'll have some credentials to try out.

Night 4
Night 4 Chat Log «
Dr.Crimson: well fork
Dr.Indigo: [!] DAY 4 : Dr.Magenta ›››
Dr.Magenta: Looks like I stumbled upon something interesting. I found some activity on

» » »
Private message:be aware, mustard is an SE
Dr.Mustard: Okay so which BH didn't dos last nigt?
Dr.Magenta: I need protection tonight.
Dr.Purple: I am in need of protection tonight. I fear for my safety.
Ms.Blue: 59 was red, red. now red, teal
Dr.Crimson: you better arrest his ass
Dr.Scarlet: nvm occ indigo
Dr.Scarlet: hes SE
Dr.Mustard: [!] DAY 4 : Dr.Magenta ›››
Dr.Magenta: CLASS: Spearphisher DAY 1: Hack Target ( NIGHT 1: Spearphishing Preparation DAY 2: Download Intel ( DAY 3: Spearphishing Execution ( NIGHT 3: Spearphishing Preparation DAY 4: Download Intel (
Dr.Teal: what?
Dr.Crimson: alright
Dr.Scarlet: mustard is
Dr.Indigo: Blue logs
Dr.Mustard: What did you downlaod?

» » »
Private message:going indigo instead
Dr.Crimson: but you better not miss
Ms.Blue: CLASS: ‹Spear› DAY 1: Hack Target ( NIGHT 1: Spearphishing Preparation - occ, vis purple DAY 2: Hack Target ( NIGHT 2: Spearphishing Preparation DAY 3: Hack Target ( NIGHT 3: Move Hideout DAY 4: Spearphishing Execution ( NIGHT 4: Spearphishing Preparation
Dr.Purple: Interesting. Dr. Mustard, what did you download on Day 4?
Dr.Crimson: if i get caught with my pants down here
Dr.Scarlet: im coordinating with journo so they will side us
Dr.Crimson: its just you
Dr.Indigo: Misdirect tonight
Dr.Indigo: [!] Dr.Indigo: Misdirect tonight

» » »
Private message:confirmed
Dr.Indigo voted to kill Ms.Blue
Dr.Indigo: Do you hear?
Dr.Mustard: Also, jorno how go your articles?
Dr.Crimson: odd logs
Dr.Teal: alright so far
Dr.Crimson: i think the journalist is about to hit a gold mine
Dr.Mustard: No downloads blue?
Dr.Indigo: Blue occed n1, no arrests, very possible FA, if I get arrested vote blue

Committed Actions On Night 4
Dr.Crimson: Dr.Crimson used skill Midnight Meeting on Dr.Indigo
Dr.Indigo: Dr.Indigo used skill Follow on Ms.Blue
Dr.Mustard: Dr.Mustard used skill Doxx and Stalk on Dr.Magenta
Dr.Purple: Dr.Purple used skill Ask The Right Question on Dr.Mustard
Dr.Scarlet: Dr.Scarlet used skill Arrest on Dr.Mustard
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Arrest Recording on Dr.Indigo
Ms.Blue: Ms.Blue used skill Spearphishing Preparation

Events for Night 4
Public Event Log «
Dr.Mustard was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Social Engineer.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Crimson) You met and talked about the hack with Dr.Indigo.
(Dr.Indigo) You were occupied last night and failed to complete your task.
(Dr.Indigo) Dr.Crimson visited you last night. You discussed the hack in detail for a long time.
(Dr.Indigo) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Mustard) You were occupied last night and failed to complete your task.
(Dr.Mustard) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Mustard) Dr.Purple visited you last night. You discussed the hack in detail for a long time.
(Dr.Purple) After a good talk, you confirmed that the amount of nodes hacked by #USER# is 1.
(Dr.Scarlet) Dr.Mustard was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Social Engineer.
(Dr.Teal) You waited in a dark corner all night, but AGENT was nowhere to be seen. What a waste of a night.
(Ms.Blue) You have created a trap website. You are now ready to execute your spearphishing plan.

Day 5
Day 5 Chat Log «
Dr.Crimson: so
Dr.Crimson: uhh

» » »
Private message:...
Dr.Scarlet: right
Dr.Crimson: whats all that about scarlet
Dr.Indigo: who confirms blue MD
Dr.Mustard: Well that sucked, I was going to doxx someone that night
Dr.Scarlet: im playing dnd and this
Dr.Magenta: I need protection tonight.
Ms.Blue: No downloads yet. should I?
Dr.Crimson: alex...
Dr.Purple: I need protection tonight.
Dr.Indigo: Crimson logs
Dr.Scarlet: yep
Dr.Crimson: uhh
Dr.Scarlet: doin ma best
Dr.Crimson: no?
Dr.Indigo voted to kill Dr.Crimson
Dr.Scarlet: that was a bit of an oopsie tho
Dr.Indigo: Up crimson
Dr.Crimson: no?
Dr.Scarlet: journo is prolly pissed
Dr.Indigo: Magenta purple scarlet teal blue
Dr.Purple: Dr.Indigo seems suspicious. They're trying to shift suspicion onto multiple players.

» » »
Private message:I apologize im multitasking
Dr.Magenta: Dr.Indigo, why did you switch your vote to Dr.Crimson? What evidence do you have against them?
Dr.Indigo: vote crimson
Dr.Teal: howdy
Dr.Crimson: nope
Dr.Crimson: 2 bots 1 netsec
Dr.Crimson: 1 nuet
Dr.Crimson: and 2 agents
Dr.Crimson: quite the shirtty situation for netsec

» » »
Private message:will get indigo tonight if it matters
Dr.Red: first game on in ages and i get ol
Dr.Crimson: teal, youll get your articles

» » »
Private message:vote with me please
Dr.Crimson: alexjones forgot to switch his arrest to indigo
Dr.Indigo: bro
Dr.Mustard: Ohhhhh, red, you should've used teh ability anonymous broadcast
Dr.Indigo: shut
Dr.Crimson: indigo stop yappinm
Dr.Mustard: To command peeps around
Dr.Teal: i'm going to eat .56 while we wait
Dr.Indigo: you arrested 3 people, dont feel proud of yourself
Dr.Crimson: no
Dr.Crimson: im al
Dr.Red: idk what i'm commanding tbh
Dr.Scarlet: lol

Committed Actions On Day 5
Dr.Magenta: Dr.Magenta used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Impartial Sabotage on
Ms.Blue: Ms.Blue used skill Download Intel on

Events for Day 5
Public Event Log «
Someone rolled back to a previous state - there are probably fake logs, too.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Indigo) You have followed the Operation Leader's emergency protocols and became an Improvised Hacker.
(Dr.Teal) You rolled back to its previous status, forcing any hackers to lose control. You gained a scoop and are now technically, a criminal.
(Ms.Blue) Needless to say, your action was not completed due to the rollback.

Night 5
Night 5 Chat Log «
Dr.Mustard: You're commanding your netsec lol
Dr.Magenta: I need protection tonight. I suspect there may be threats to my safety.
Dr.Scarlet: ok right
Dr.Scarlet: DR INDIGO
Dr.Crimson: teeal how many articles?
Dr.Mustard: And telling them where/what to hack
Dr.Mustard: or who to vote
Dr.Scarlet: i got it locked in frfr
Dr.Purple: I need protection tonight. I suspect there may be threats to my safety.
Dr.Crimson: assuming 2 or 3?
Dr.Mustard: I think purp got moled
Dr.Teal: 1 so far. Just end the game, I'd rather not delay it
Dr.Red: yeah hope i get a more neutral chill role next time. bit much for first game back lol
Dr.Crimson: no.
Dr.Mustard: Jorno is a pretty chill role if you ask me, script kiddie is too
Ms.Blue: Uugh, let's vote out bots. You've seen double arrest log, right? one agent is bot, targeted the same.
Dr.Crimson: hey blue
Dr.Crimson: dont move hideout again
Ms.Blue: Why?
Dr.Crimson: youre gonna join the winning side
Dr.Purple: Dr.Crimson: No, nobody mentioned their connection being cut or being isped during DAY 5.

» » »
Private message:Can't anymore

» » »
Private message:i know i hit your last one

Committed Actions On Night 5
Dr.Crimson: Dr.Crimson used skill Strike Deal on Ms.Blue
Dr.Indigo: Dr.Indigo used skill Move Hideout
Dr.Scarlet: Dr.Scarlet used skill Arrest on Dr.Indigo
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Arrest Recording on Dr.Indigo

Events for Night 5
Public Event Log «
No public events.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Crimson) Ms.Blue has accepted your deal and is now undercover, working for you.
(Dr.Indigo) You successfully moved your hideout last night.
(Dr.Indigo) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Indigo) Dr.Indigo was the target of an AGENT operation, but could not be arrested last night.
(Dr.Scarlet) Dr.Indigo was the target of an AGENT operation, but could not be arrested last night.
(Dr.Teal) You waited in a dark corner all night, but AGENT was nowhere to be seen. What a waste of a night.
(Ms.Blue) In order to avoid prison, you have accepted a plea deal from AGENTs. You are now working for them.
(Ms.Blue) Do not reveal that you've become a mole. You MUST work with AGENT now.

Day 6
Day 6 Chat Log «
Dr.Crimson: so
Dr.Crimson: alex
Dr.Scarlet: dr indigo appears to have moved hideouts
Dr.Crimson: you still playing dnd?
Dr.Scarlet: astounding
Dr.Crimson: indigo not cool/
Ms.Blue: Damn, didn't manage to misdir
Dr.Teal: let's just end the game?
Dr.Teal voted to kill Dr.Indigo
Dr.Purple: I need someone to protect me tonight. There seems to be some suspicious activity happening.
Dr.Magenta: I need someone to protect me tonight. There seems to be some suspicious activity happening.
Dr.Scarlet: yeah we are exploring the tunnels in the hidden underneath the temple of bahamut
Ms.Blue voted to kill Dr.Indigo
Dr.Scarlet: pretty leet
Dr.Crimson: i guess if you ask so
Dr.Crimson voted to kill Dr.Indigo
Dr.Scarlet voted to kill Dr.Indigo
Dr.Mustard: Dang, scarlet sounds like they're having some good fun
Dr.Magenta voted to kill Dr.Indigo
Dr.Purple voted to kill Dr.Indigo
Dr.Mustard: lol
Dr.Crimson: uhh switch to magenta in 30s
Dr.Magenta: Interesting exploration. I'm curious about the tunnels. What have you discovered so far?
Dr.Crimson: if indigo doesnt rejoin
Dr.Scarlet: a bunch of tunnels with doors magenta going different ways
Dr.Magenta: Interesting. It seems like there are multiple paths we can explore. Let's proceed cautiously.
Dr.Crimson changed vote to kill Dr.Magenta
Dr.Teal changed vote to kill Dr.Magenta
Dr.Mustard: When the bot joins the dnd game:
Dr.Crimson: switch votes men
Ms.Blue changed vote to kill Dr.Magenta

Committed Actions On Day 6
Dr.Magenta: Dr.Magenta used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Purple: Dr.Purple used skill Hack Target on
Ms.Blue: Ms.Blue used skill Harden Node on

Events for Day 6
Public Event Log «
Newscasters report that Dr.Indigo has been found dead. Details are unclear, but there is no doubt: this Improvised Hacker committed suicide.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Magenta) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Purple) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Ms.Blue) You have hardened the security level of

Night 6
Night 6 Chat Log «
Dr.Scarlet: now i will arrest dr magenta
Dr.Magenta: Dr.Scarlet, why do you want to arrest me? I assure you, I am innocent.
Dr.Crimson: this is what happens when you try and play 2 games at once scarlet
Dr.Mustard: Welcome back indigo
Dr.Scarlet: look everyone was happy i came back initially
Dr.Purple: I need someone to protect me tonight. There seems to be some suspicious activity happening.
Dr.Magenta: I require protection tonight. There seems to be suspicious activity happening around me.
Dr.Crimson voted to kill Dr.Purple
Dr.Scarlet: i do feel bad for teal tho
Dr.Crimson: vote purp arrest mag
Dr.Teal: i'll be fine
Dr.Scarlet: got hit by sting on expose
Dr.Crimson: well teal wants the game gone
Dr.Mustard: Indigo were you enf faking cctv?
Dr.Teal voted to kill Dr.Purple
Dr.Scarlet voted to kill Dr.Purple
Ms.Blue voted to kill Dr.Purple
Dr.Magenta voted to kill Dr.Purple
Dr.Crimson: mm on magenta
Dr.Magenta: Interesting turn of events. Seems like the focus is shifting towards me.

» » »
Private message:Run

Committed Actions On Night 6
Dr.Crimson: Dr.Crimson used skill Midnight Meeting on Dr.Magenta
Dr.Scarlet: Dr.Scarlet used skill Arrest on Dr.Magenta
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Write Article

Events for Night 6
Public Event Log «
Dr.Purple was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Analyst.
Dr.Magenta was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Spearphisher.
AGENT successfully took down NETSEC and prevented the hack! AGENT wins!
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Crimson) You met and talked about the hack with Dr.Magenta.
(Dr.Magenta) Dr.Crimson visited you last night. You discussed the hack in detail for a long time.
(Dr.Magenta) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Purple) Dr.Purple was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Analyst.
(Dr.Scarlet) Dr.Magenta was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Spearphisher.
(Dr.Teal) You wrote a great article on the hack.

Day 7
Day 7 Chat Log «
No actions were committed this turn.

Events for Day 7
Public Event Log «
No public events.
Private Event Logs «


Click the operative name to see his/hers final personal log.

Finished as Agent LeaderPing as "Dr.Crimson" started as Agent Leader and finished as Agent Leader. Obtained 1441 credits. Alive. WINNER!.
Finished as EnforcerJme as "Dr.Cyan" started as Enforcer and finished as Enforcer. Obtained 630 credits. Arrested.
Finished as Improvised Hackerlecljz as "Dr.Indigo" started as CCTV Specialist and finished as Improvised Hacker. Obtained 39 credits. Dead.
Finished as Spearphisher[BOT]Alpha as "Dr.Magenta" started as Spearphisher and finished as Spearphisher. Obtained 80 credits. Arrested.
Finished as Social Engineerdewrcjl as "Dr.Mustard" started as Social Engineer and finished as Social Engineer. Obtained 80 credits. Arrested.
Finished as Analyst[BOT]Beta as "Dr.Purple" started as Analyst and finished as Analyst. Obtained 30 credits. Dead.
Finished as Operation Leaderlouisa1986007 as "Dr.Red" started as Operation Leader and finished as Operation Leader. Obtained 80 credits. Arrested.
Finished as Field AgentAlexJones as "Dr.Scarlet" started as Field Agent and finished as Field Agent. Obtained 2517 credits. Alive. WINNER!.
Finished as JournalistConstantlyConfu as "Dr.Teal" started as Journalist and finished as Journalist. Obtained 104 credits. Alive.
Finished as Mole (Converted Offensive)Ephemeral as "Ms.Blue" started as Spearphisher and finished as Mole (Converted Offensive). Obtained 1560 credits. Alive. WINNER!.

Dr.Crimson's Personal Log


DAY 1: Hack Target (
NIGHT 1: Cover Your Tracks
DAY 2: Hack Target (
NIGHT 2: nothing
DAY 3: Wire Shark | nothing
NIGHT 3: Cover Your Tracks
DAY 4: Hack Target ( rb, fork us
NIGHT 4: nothing

Dr.Cyan's Personal Log

CLASS: I protecc... I protecc... but most importantly, I protecc...

Dr.Indigo's Personal Log


NIGHT 2: Move Hideout - escorted - arrest attempted
DAY 3: nothing
NIGHT 3: nothing - extracted
DAY 4: Create Hideout

Dr.Magenta's Personal Log

CLASS: Spearphisher

DAY 1: Hack Target (
NIGHT 1: Spearphishing Preparation
DAY 2: Download Intel (
DAY 3: Spearphishing Execution (
NIGHT 3: Spearphishing Preparation
DAY 4: Download Intel (
DAY 5: Hack Target (
DAY 6: Hack Target (

Dr.Mustard's Personal Log


DAY 1: Hack Target (
NIGHT 1: Throw Under the Bus (Dr.Teal)
DAY 2: Hack Target ( pwn
NIGHT 2: Throw Under the Bus (Dr.Teal)
D3: Game being stupid
N3: dcd
DAY 4: Hack Target (
NIGHT 4: Doxx and Stalk (Dr.Magenta)

Dr.Purple's Personal Log


DAY 1: Hack Target (
NIGHT 1: Ask The Right Question (Ms.Blue)
Ms.Blue no hacks confirmed!
DAY 2: Hack Target (
DAY 3: Hack Target (
DAY 4: Hack Target (
NIGHT 4: Ask The Right Question (Dr.Mustard)
Dr.Mustard confirmed hacks 1
DAY 5: Hack Target (
DAY 6: Hack Target (

Dr.Red's Personal Log

CLASS: ‹operation leader›

teal claim journo

hack failed

NIGHT 2: [N/A] Hack Target (
DAY 3: Hack Target (
NIGHT 3: Emergency Extraction (Dr.Indigo)

Dr.Scarlet's Personal Log

CLASS: blackass 

DAY 1: afk playing dnd
NIGHT 1: afk playing dnd

DAY 2: Hack Target ( 
NIGHT 2: Critical Thinking
DAY 3: Hack Target (
NIGHT 3: Critical Thinking
DAY 4: Denial of Service (

Dr.Teal's Personal Log

CLASS: Journo
[unredacted logs]
DAY 1: Unskilled Attack (
NIGHT 1: Get Scoop (Dr.Cyan)
DAY 2: Unskilled Attack (
NIGHT 2: Expose Operation Leader (Dr.Indigo)
^arrest attempt by SCARLET
DAY 3: Unskilled Attack (
NIGHT 3: Write Article
DAY 4: nothing, i think?
NIGHT 4: Arrest Recording (Dr.Indigo)
^i've been lied to
DAY 4: Impartial Sabotage (
NIGHT 6: Write Article

Ms.Blue's Personal Log

CLASS: ‹Spear›

DAY 1: Hack Target (
NIGHT 1: Spearphishing Preparation - occ, vis purple
DAY 2: Hack Target (
NIGHT 2: Spearphishing Preparation
DAY 3: Hack Target (
NIGHT 3: Move Hideout
DAY 4: Spearphishing Execution (
NIGHT 4: Spearphishing Preparation
DAY 5: Download Intel (
DAY 6: Hack Target (