OPSEC #ba9374d7ff17daeadef9911f3a9d1d8e0979e410

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Level 12

as "Dr.Azure"
No consumable equipped.
Level 8

as "Dr.Beige"
No consumable equipped.
Level 8

as "Dr.Cyan"
No consumable equipped.
Level 8

as "Dr.Gold"
Equipped Wallet
Level 5

as "Dr.Gray"
No consumable equipped.
Level 9

as "Dr.Indigo"
Equipped Confidential Information
Level 13

as "Dr.Orange"
Equipped Pills
Level 1

as "Dr.Scarlet"
No consumable equipped.
Level 12

as "Dr.Teal"
No consumable equipped.
Level 15

as "Dr.Violet"
Equipped Chicken

Lobby Chat

klo13:AL with 3 pwns damn
ProphetKane:I won before even claiming RH
dewrcjl:I knew purple was agent!
Berserker:I need to go but I may come back soon sorry
ProphetKane:I was gonna claim RC*
ProphetKane:and y'all didn't even doubt me
Berserker:gg any ways
ProphetKane:/setbots 2
ProphetKane:set the bots
klo13:sure thing Prophet
ProphetKane:where is the newbiieiee
klo13:you did well szafirmag
ProphetKane:you did well
klo13:unlucky that you got OL
ProphetKane:who was my AL?
klo13:I was AL
louisa1986007:i did okay as black hat tbh
ProphetKane:You're such a trooper for giving me those logs
LordEliCohen:ready up guys
klo13:louisa, AL had 3 pwns
louisa1986007:knew i should've moved hideout that last night
ProphetKane:Szafirmag maybe talk more next time
dewrcjl:Dang, AL was carrying netsec
LordEliCohen:AL with 3 pwns new meta I guess
ProphetKane:yeah lol
LordEliCohen:sza ready up


Hover a node too view the log.

Fake logs are marked with F.

Day 1Dr.Scarlet
Day 1Dr.Azure
Day 1Dr.Teal
Day 1Dr.Gold
Day 2Dr.Indigo
Day 4Dr.GrayF
Day 4Dr.VioletF
Day 4Dr.Violet
Day 4Dr.TealF
Day 4Dr.OrangeF
Day 4Dr.GrayF
Day 2Dr.Gold
Day 2Dr.Scarlet
Day 2Dr.Teal
Day 2Dr.Violet
Day 4Dr.Teal
Day 3Dr.Scarlet


The hack must be completed within 7 days.
(Dr.Azure) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Blackhat.
(Dr.Beige) You have been loyal to the cause for years, CCTV Specialist.
(Dr.Cyan) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Inside Man.
(Dr.Gold) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Operation Leader.
(Dr.Gray) You must stop the hack at any cost, Field Agent.
(Dr.Gray) Your training at the AGENT academy granted you the 'Misdirection' skill.
(Dr.Gray) Never reveal your role for any reason - you are an AGENT.
(Dr.Indigo) The epilogue to your story starts today, Corrupt Detective.
(Dr.Orange) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Enforcer.
(Dr.Scarlet) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Social Engineer.
(Dr.Teal) You have been loyal to the cause for years, Blackhat.
(Dr.Violet) You must stop the hack at any cost, Agent Leader.
(Dr.Violet) You have a cover as 'Spearphisher' in the event of an early death.
(Dr.Violet) Your background in computer forensics granted you the 'Impersonate' skill.
(Dr.Violet) Never reveal your role for any reason - you are an AGENT.

Preparation Night
Preparation Night Chat Log «
Dr.Orange: yo
Dr.Violet: hello
Dr.Beige: hello
Dr.Gold: hi
Dr.Azure: hello
Dr.Scarlet: hello
Dr.Violet: spear cover
Dr.Violet: spoof
Dr.Violet: im SE
Dr.Teal: hello
Dr.Violet: hi gray
Dr.Gold: sk d0 claim
Dr.Gray: hey
Dr.Cyan: prep night ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ claim
Dr.Cyan: ♦♣

Events for Preparation Night
No public events.

Day 1
Day 1 Chat Log «
Dr.Gray: hey
Dr.Orange: can i get ' :3 ' on the chat
Dr.Beige: Okay everyone
Dr.Orange: ???
Dr.Beige: Hear me out
Dr.Indigo: :3
Dr.Beige: Let's hack top
Dr.Gray: if FE
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: wireshark and hack this laptop
Dr.Cyan: guys
Dr.Violet: hi
Dr.Cyan: we need to split
Dr.Violet: spoofing beige
Dr.Gray: i'm
Dr.Violet: okey
Dr.Orange: or dont wireshark
Dr.Cyan: alright OL
Dr.Cyan: I will fish shark
Dr.Orange: mind play
Dr.Azure: I agree with Dr.Beige's plan to hack the top target. Let's focus our efforts there.
Dr.Indigo: Real sk will ddoss this node
Dr.Cyan: azure go commit die
Dr.Orange: !!!1
Dr.Orange: CYAN
Dr.Cyan: what
Dr.Gray: what do you want me to do?
Dr.Cyan: yes OL, no mAGENT
Dr.Cyan: a
Dr.Violet: claim IM
Dr.Violet: I g

Committed Actions On Day 1
Dr.Azure: Dr.Azure used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Beige: Dr.Beige used skill Bait Law Enforcement on Dr.Azure
Dr.Cyan: Dr.Cyan used skill Insider Knowledge
Dr.Gold: Dr.Gold used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Indigo: Dr.Indigo used skill Receive Bribe
Dr.Scarlet: Dr.Scarlet used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Violet: Dr.Violet used skill Impersonate on Dr.Beige

Events for Day 1
Public Event Log «
NETSEC now has root privileges on
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Azure) You successfully gained root privileges on
(Dr.Beige) You denounced Dr.Azure to AGENT. Hopefully, they will think it was a Bounty Hunter who did it...
(Dr.Cyan) You have discovered that holds important information that's very valuable to NETSEC.
(Dr.Gold) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Gray) Someone has denounced Dr.Azure as a NETSEC member.
(Dr.Indigo) Your actions probably had some consequences, but you don't care. You got paid: that's all that matters.
(Dr.Scarlet) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Teal) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Violet) You've successfully spoofed your outgoing email address: all emails you send tonight will appear to have been sent by Dr.Beige instead.
(Dr.Violet) Someone has denounced Dr.Azure as a NETSEC member.

Night 1
Night 1 Chat Log «
Dr.Violet: sting azure
Dr.Orange: 4 hackers

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Violet] Private message:AINT THAT A SPOOF, FOOPS A TAHT TNIA
Dr.Gold: wtf

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Violet] Private message:AINT THAT A SPOOF, FOOPS A TAHT TNIA

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Violet] Private message:AINT THAT A SPOOF, FOOPS A TAHT TNIA

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[Spoofed by Dr.Violet] Private message:AINT THAT A SPOOF, FOOPS A TAHT TNIA

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[Spoofed by Dr.Violet] Private message:AINT THAT A SPOOF, FOOPS A TAHT TNIA
Dr.Orange: i bet half of them are agents
Dr.Gray: done

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Violet] Private message:AINT THAT A SPOOF, FOOPS A TAHT TNIA

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Violet] Private message:AINT THAT A SPOOF, FOOPS A TAHT TNIA

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Violet] Private message:AINT THAT A SPOOF, FOOPS A TAHT TNIA
Dr.Cyan: beige poof
Dr.Beige: Truuuuu
Dr.Azure: I need protection tonight.
Dr.Violet: spoof huh
Dr.Violet: dealing orange
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: stay safe fellas see u tomorrow
Dr.Orange: so we got se
Dr.Violet: or RC
Dr.Violet: or AL
Dr.Orange: or inv mole
Dr.Cyan: or

Committed Actions On Night 1
Dr.Beige: Dr.Beige used skill Install CCTV Surveillance on Dr.Scarlet
Dr.Cyan: Dr.Cyan used skill Follow on Dr.Beige
Dr.Gold: Dr.Gold used skill Move Hideout
Dr.Gray: Dr.Gray used skill Sting on Dr.Azure
Dr.Indigo: Dr.Indigo used skill Steal Intel
Dr.Orange: Dr.Orange used skill Interrogate on Dr.Teal
Dr.Scarlet: Dr.Scarlet used skill Doxx and Stalk on Dr.Violet
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Critical Thinking
Dr.Violet: Dr.Violet used skill Strike Deal on Dr.Orange

Events for Night 1
Public Event Log «
Dr.Azure was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Blackhat.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Beige) You successfully installed a CCTV system to spy on Dr.Scarlet.
(Dr.Beige) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Cyan) You successfully followed Dr.Beige, who visited the hideout of Dr.Scarlet.
(Dr.Gold) You successfully moved your hideout last night.
(Dr.Gray) You executed a sting operation.
(Dr.Gray) Dr.Azure was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Blackhat.
(Dr.Indigo) You found a lot of files marked 'Confidential' regarding the current OPSEC. You can now upload them.
(Dr.Orange) In order to avoid prison, you have accepted a plea deal from AGENTs. You are now working for them.
(Dr.Orange) Do not reveal that you've become a mole. You MUST work with AGENT now.
(Dr.Orange) Dr.Teal was not too happy about your methods, but agreed to let you have their personal log.
(Dr.Scarlet) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Scarlet) Your doxxing effort was successful - you know that Dr.Violet is clearly a NETSEC member.
(Dr.Teal) You were occupied last night and failed to complete your task.
(Dr.Teal) Someone threatened you last night and left with a copy of your personal log.
(Dr.Violet) Dr.Orange has accepted your deal and is now undercover, working for you.
(Dr.Violet) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Violet) You were doxxed last night, but your cover checked out. Your identity is safe... for now.

Day 2
Day 2 Chat Log «
Dr.Beige: Watched
Dr.Cyan: scarlet
Dr.Cyan: what did you do last night?
Dr.Violet: watched
Dr.Orange: i was enforcer
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: hack laptops ignore server
Dr.Violet: okey then
Dr.Orange: will be hard to keep up with cover
Dr.Orange: .,.
Dr.Teal: I need someone to protect me tonight. I believe I am being targeted by someone.
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: split on indigo and orange
Dr.Violet: im killing youy
Dr.Orange: i will need gray to raid for me
Dr.Violet: ok?
Dr.Cyan: Scarlet
Dr.Orange: nuh
Dr.Cyan: what did you do last night?
Dr.Violet: ill be confirmed
Dr.Violet: :)
Dr.Violet: im faking SE
Dr.Violet: you see
Dr.Violet: also I was doxxed night before
Dr.Cyan: scarlet I know you're a human and I have reasons to suspect you
Dr.Beige: Scarlet?
Dr.Orange: sick
Dr.Cyan: I want your logs scarlet
Dr.Gray: what do you need me to do?
Dr.Cyan voted to kill Dr.Scarlet
Dr.Beige: Cyan did you watch them lsat night?
Dr.Violet: for now gray do nothing
Dr.Scarlet: CLASS: ‹Social Engineer› DAY 1: Hack Target ( NIGHT 1: Doxx and Stalk (Dr.Violet) NetSec DAY 2: Hack Target (203.0
Dr.Violet: or isp
Dr.Violet: confirm watch
Dr.Cyan: can anyone confirm?
Dr.Beige: Doxx and stalk is kinda early tho
Dr.Orange: gray u will need to raid for me so i claim fake escort, i tell you when
Dr.Violet: [!] Dr.Violet: confirm watch
Dr.Beige: Vio just confirmed
Dr.Cyan: I think scarlet is evil
Dr.Gray: at night?
Dr.Cyan: beige went to scarlet
Dr.Beige: Any reason for doxxing so early scarlet???
Dr.Orange: yeah
Dr.Cyan: NIGHT 1: Follow Dr.Beige-›scarlet
Dr.Beige: I was doing my stuff
Dr.Orange: but for now chill
Dr.Cyan: kill scarlet
Dr.Cyan: they are fake
Dr.Beige: Don't worry bout me
Dr.Violet: gray just claim you tried going to me but I bussed your escort to gray
Dr.Violet: simple
Dr.Orange: i tell you when
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: early doxx is bad they're covered
Dr.Cyan: everyone vote to kill scarlet
Dr.Violet voted to kill Dr.Scarlet
Dr.Cyan: orange indigo gray gold teal violet
Dr.Teal: I have no reason to suspect Dr.Scarlet at this point. Let's focus on finding the real threats.

Committed Actions On Day 2
Dr.Beige: Dr.Beige used skill Create Hideout
Dr.Cyan: Dr.Cyan used skill Plant Keylogger on
Dr.Gold: Dr.Gold used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Indigo: Dr.Indigo used skill Upload Intel on
Dr.Scarlet: Dr.Scarlet used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Violet: Dr.Violet used skill Unskilled Attack on

Events for Day 2
Public Event Log «
NETSEC now has root privileges on
NETSEC now has root privileges on
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Beige) You have created a new hideout for you to flee to, should the need arise. Better safe than sorry.
(Dr.Cyan) You successfully planted the keylogger on
(Dr.Gold) You successfully gained root privileges on
(Dr.Indigo) Your contract with whoever employed you is complete. You uploaded sensitive information to
(Dr.Scarlet) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Teal) You successfully gained root privileges on
(Dr.Violet) You kept up your charade, sending some network traffic to target

Night 2
Night 2 Chat Log «
Dr.Beige: WAIT, Scarlet is new
Dr.Violet: yup
Dr.Orange: ol who do we vote
Dr.Beige: They might not know what they are doingcyna
Dr.Cyan voted to kill Dr.Scarlet
Dr.Teal: I need someone to protect me tonight. I suspect that I am being targeted by someone.
Dr.Indigo: 77 has intel
ANONYMOUS BROADCAST: don't waste vote for now
Dr.Cyan: I still believe scarlet could be a mole
Dr.Violet: arrest gold
Dr.Cyan: beige went to scarlet
Dr.Cyan: and they didn't confirm their doxx
Dr.Indigo: corrupt detective DAY 1: Receive Bribe NIGHT 1: Steal Intel DAY 2: Upload Intel (
Dr.Teal: It seems there is suspicion around Dr.Scarlet, but we should also consider the possibility of a corrupt detective.
Dr.Cyan: when I asked
Dr.Beige: Cause I instealled cams cyan
Dr.Gray: me?
Dr.Cyan: brutha...
Dr.Violet: CD huh
Dr.Orange: yes
Dr.Cyan: ???
Dr.Gray: done
Dr.Orange: violet can you perhaps claims logs stoeln on you?
Dr.Cyan unvoted to kill Dr.Scarlet
Dr.Beige: Wait they claimed cd when?
Dr.Violet: I can indeed
Dr.Cyan: right now
Dr.Cyan: indigo
Dr.Violet: but
Dr.Violet: you can claim interro on gray
Dr.Beige: oh
Dr.Violet: after I bussed to him
Dr.Orange: okay
Dr.Orange: i will
Dr.Indigo: yes early claim
Dr.Violet: I need any confirmation tbh
Dr.Cyan: someone protect gold
Dr.Cyan: they have a solo pwn
Dr.Gold: i'm sk
Dr.Gold: wait
Dr.Violet: would be a nice idea
Dr.Orange: gray in your logs tonihgt write "logs stolen"
Dr.Cyan voted to kill Dr.Gold
Dr.Beige: Also, I didn't actually install cams lol, just followed actually, srry mixed up
Dr.Cyan: gold is sk claiming solo pwn
Dr.Cyan: killerino gold :p
Dr.Gold: oh shiet

» » »
Private message:I did install cams, just don't want agents to know
Dr.Orange: gold only neutral
Dr.Orange: tho
Dr.Violet: [!] Dr.Indigo: corrupt detective DAY 1: Receive Bribe NIGHT 1: Steal Intel DAY 2: Upload Intel (

Committed Actions On Night 2
Dr.Beige: Dr.Beige used skill Move Hideout
Dr.Cyan: Dr.Cyan used skill Follow on Dr.Scarlet
Dr.Gold: Dr.Gold used skill Emergency Extraction on Dr.Beige
Dr.Gray: Dr.Gray used skill Arrest on Dr.Gold
Dr.Indigo: Dr.Indigo used skill Follow on Dr.Beige
Dr.Orange: Dr.Orange used skill Search for Keyloggers
Dr.Scarlet: Dr.Scarlet used skill Misdirection
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Critical Thinking
Dr.Violet: Dr.Violet used skill Informant on Dr.Teal

Events for Night 2
Public Event Log «
Dr.Gold was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Operation Leader.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Beige) You successfully moved your hideout last night.
(Dr.Beige) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Beige) Last night you were escorted to a new hideout.
(Dr.Cyan) You were occupied last night and failed to complete your task.
(Dr.Gold) You successfully sent a team for the emergency extraction of Dr.Beige.
(Dr.Gold) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Gray) Dr.Gold was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Operation Leader.
(Dr.Indigo) It seems like Dr.Beige never left the safe house last night.
(Dr.Orange) You found one keylogger, which you destroyed. You also reset all credentials on that machine.
(Dr.Scarlet) You misdirected everyone into thinking you were somewhere else last night.
(Dr.Teal) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Teal) You learned something new tonight, and become a slightly better hacker than ever before.
(Dr.Violet) An informant has delivered hard proof that Dr.Teal is involved with NETSEC. (Offensive role)

Day 3
Day 3 Chat Log «
Dr.Violet: welp
Dr.Orange: wow
Dr.Beige: Okay
Dr.Orange: .,.
Dr.Beige: Watched
Dr.Beige: And escorted
Dr.Orange: we got ism
Dr.Violet: CLASS: ‹Social Engineer› - DAY 1: Impersonate (Dr.Beige) NIGHT 1: nothing/watched; DAY 2: Hack Target ( NIGHT 2: Throw Under a Bus (Dr.Gray)
Dr.Orange: i destroyed keyloger
Dr.Beige: Even though i escorted myself lol
Dr.Cyan: download 78
Dr.Violet: cyan is IM
Dr.Teal: I noticed someone was observing my actions last night. It's concerning, but not unexpected.
Dr.Violet: nice skiddie
Dr.Beige: Whoever escorted me, pls contact me beforehand
Dr.Violet: teal netsec off
Dr.Violet: spear or BH
Dr.Indigo: beige stayed home
Dr.Teal: Can someone provide me with protection tonight? I fear for my safety.
Dr.Violet: surely
Dr.Violet: cant
Dr.Beige: Indigo is lying
Dr.Violet: indigo
Dr.Beige: I got escorted and move hideout
Dr.Violet: whats your defence
Dr.Orange: teal is bot
Dr.Cyan: ?
Dr.Orange: so we can ignore for now
Dr.Cyan: indigo is lying
Dr.Violet: really?
Dr.Cyan: so we kill
Dr.Violet: easy game then
Dr.Beige: I was watched
Dr.Cyan: there's no defence to be made there
Dr.Violet: one moer out and we win
Dr.Cyan voted to kill Dr.Indigo
Dr.Beige: But I got escorted and did not stay home
Dr.Gray: need me to do anything?
Dr.Violet voted to kill Dr.Indigo
Dr.Beige voted to kill Dr.Indigo
Dr.Orange: we have to start voting
Dr.Teal voted to kill Dr.Indigo
Dr.Violet: nah
Dr.Beige: Indigo is lying
Dr.Orange: one more night and we lose mayoirty
Dr.Cyan: scarlet
Dr.Cyan: vote indigo
Dr.Indigo: dont vote the cd that came out d2
Dr.Orange voted to kill Dr.Indigo
Dr.Beige: Vote indigo
Dr.Gray voted to kill Dr.Indigo
Dr.Cyan: sorry indigo
Dr.Cyan: you're a sussy baka
Dr.Beige: Oh really? Cause you're clearly lying indigo

Committed Actions On Day 3
Dr.Beige: Dr.Beige used skill Bait Law Enforcement on Dr.Cyan
Dr.Cyan: Dr.Cyan used skill Desperate Measures
Dr.Orange: Dr.Orange used skill Jam Network on Dr.Teal
Dr.Scarlet: Dr.Scarlet used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Teal: Dr.Teal used skill Hack Target on
Dr.Violet: Dr.Violet used skill Impersonate on Dr.Scarlet

Events for Day 3
Public Event Log «
Dr.Indigo was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Corrupt Detective.
Dr.Indigo thought that knowing the original Operation Leader's identity would protect them. How ironic.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Beige) You denounced Dr.Cyan to AGENT. Hopefully, they will think it was a Bounty Hunter who did it...
(Dr.Cyan) You have followed the Operation Leader's emergency protocols and became an Improvised Hacker.
(Dr.Gray) Someone has denounced Dr.Cyan as a NETSEC member.
(Dr.Indigo) Dr.Indigo was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Corrupt Detective.
(Dr.Indigo) Dr.Indigo thought that knowing the original Operation Leader's identity would protect them. How ironic.
(Dr.Orange) Someone has denounced Dr.Cyan as a NETSEC member.
(Dr.Orange) Dr.Teal was unable to make any network connection due to your jamming operation.
(Dr.Scarlet) You failed in your attempt to gain access to
(Dr.Teal) Your network connection suddenly terminated, effectively making your task fail.
(Dr.Violet) Someone has denounced Dr.Cyan as a NETSEC member.
(Dr.Violet) You've successfully spoofed your outgoing email address: all emails you send tonight will appear to have been sent by Dr.Scarlet instead.

Night 3
Night 3 Chat Log «
Dr.Violet: how ironic huh
Dr.Cyan: oh...
Dr.Cyan: lol.
Dr.Beige: What?
Dr.Gold: lol

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Violet] Private message:SpoofoopS

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[Spoofed by Dr.Violet] Private message:SpoofoopS

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Violet] Private message:SpoofoopS

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Violet] Private message:SpoofoopS
Dr.Orange: i just risk claiming escort on bot
Dr.Cyan: well uhmmm

» » »
[Spoofed by Dr.Violet] Private message:SpoofoopS
Dr.Indigo: idk why they trust beige over me
Dr.Beige: How did indigo see that I stayed home when I got escorted and moved hideouts?
Dr.Orange: no need for raid
Dr.Cyan: logs train?
Dr.Violet: idk
Dr.Violet: scarlet loggies
Dr.Orange: we arrest tonight and we win
Dr.Violet: just arrest
Dr.Orange: yes
Dr.Violet: arrest cyan
Dr.Gray: who?
Dr.Teal: CLASS: Blackhat DAY 1: Hack Target ( NIGHT 1: Critical Thinking DAY 2: Hack Target ( NIGHT 2: Critical Thinking Watched DAY 3: Hack Target (
Dr.Scarlet: CLASS: ‹Social Engineer› DAY 1: Hack Target ( NIGHT 1: Doxx and Stalk (Dr.Violet) NetSec DAY 2: Hack Target (203.0
Dr.Violet: CLASS: ‹Social Engineer› - DAY 1: Impersonate (Dr.Beige) NIGHT 1: nothing/watched; DAY 2: Hack Target ( NIGHT 2: Throw Under a Bus (Dr.Gray) DAY 3: Impersonate (Dr.Scarlet)
Dr.Gray: done
Dr.Violet: scarlet no spoof though
Dr.Cyan: scarlet those logs ave nothing else
Dr.Orange: violet i can wiretap to fake watch if you need
Dr.Beige: Scarlet new tho
Dr.Cyan: Violet scarlet is a new player
Dr.Cyan voted to kill Dr.Scarlet
Dr.Violet: no need
Dr.Cyan: idfk
Dr.Violet: we are winning
Dr.Cyan: they didn't update the logs
Dr.Cyan: so
Dr.Violet voted to kill Dr.Scarlet
Dr.Beige: Scarlet highlight your logs and hit send selection
Dr.Teal voted to kill Dr.Scarlet
Dr.Orange voted to kill Dr.Scarlet
Dr.Indigo: man rip my win
Dr.Violet: arrest cyan
Dr.Beige voted to kill Dr.Scarlet
Dr.Gold: yeah
Dr.Gold: pretty sad
Dr.Cyan: gray isn't voting
Dr.Scarlet: CLASS: ‹Social Engineer› DAY 1: Hack Target ( NIGHT 1: Doxx and Stalk (Dr.Violet) NetSec DAY 2: Hack Target ( NIGHT 2: Misdirection DAY 3: Hack Target (
Dr.Orange: sorry
Dr.Gray: logs haven't let me log anything this game
Dr.Orange: no spoof
Dr.Gray: strange
Dr.Violet: I confirm only n1 and there is no spoof
Dr.Cyan unvoted to kill Dr.Scarlet
Dr.Violet: happens
Dr.Cyan: scarlet is new
Dr.Violet: we won either way
Dr.Orange: i mean
Dr.Orange: now its vote or lose
Dr.Cyan: I don't feel good about killing over no spoof
Dr.Beige: Also, moving hideout tonight, no one escort me
Dr.Violet: gray vote
Dr.Orange: better vote wrongly as we lose mayoirty
Dr.Cyan: even though I started t

Committed Actions On Night 3
Dr.Beige: Dr.Beige used skill Follow on Dr.Gray
Dr.Cyan: Dr.Cyan used skill Move Hideout
Dr.Gray: Dr.Gray used skill Arrest on Dr.Cyan
Dr.Orange: Dr.Orange used skill Add Route on
Dr.Violet: Dr.Violet used skill Midnight Meeting on Dr.Cyan

Events for Night 3
Public Event Log «
Dr.Scarlet was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Social Engineer.
Dr.Cyan was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Improvised Hacker.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Beige) You successfully followed Dr.Gray, who visited the hideout of Dr.Cyan.
(Dr.Cyan) You were occupied last night and failed to complete your task.
(Dr.Cyan) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Cyan) Dr.Violet visited you last night. You discussed the hack in detail for a long time.
(Dr.Gray) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Gray) Dr.Cyan was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Improvised Hacker.
(Dr.Orange) You have successfully connected to
(Dr.Scarlet) Dr.Scarlet was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Social Engineer.
(Dr.Violet) You met and talked about the hack with Dr.Cyan.

Day 4
Day 4 Chat Log «
Dr.Violet voted to kill Dr.Teal
Dr.Orange voted to kill Dr.Beige
Dr.Beige: GRAY IS FA
Dr.Violet: teal doxxed agent
Dr.Orange: followed beige
Dr.Teal: I'm sorry, but I can't provide the information you're looking for.
Dr.Gray: someone was watching me
Dr.Orange: he arrested
Dr.Violet: [!] Dr.Violet: teal doxxed agent
Dr.Orange: followed beige
Dr.Violet: we won
Dr.Orange: he arrested
Dr.Beige: Gray went to cyan's hideout and cyan got arrested
Dr.Violet: its 3 v 2
Dr.Orange: for fa first
Dr.Violet: just vote teal
Dr.Beige: Gray is FA
Dr.Violet changed vote to kill Dr.Beige
Dr.Teal: I need protection tonight.
Dr.Beige voted to kill Dr.Gray
Dr.Gray voted to kill Dr.Teal
Dr.Violet: can be beige
Dr.Orange: teal is a bot
Dr.Beige: CLASS: camera person only for the streamer lmao DAY 1: Bait Law Enforcement (Dr.Azure) NIGHT 1: Install CCTV Surveillance (Dr.Scarlet) DAY 2: Create Hideout NIGHT 2: Move Hideout DAY 3: Bait Law Enforcement (Dr.Cyan)
Dr.Orange: vote on beige
Dr.Violet: beige then
Dr.Orange: and he votes with us
Dr.Beige: N3: Follow Gray
Dr.Violet: teal vote beige
Dr.Teal: Interesting. Dr.Violet suspects Dr.Beige, but I'm not convinced. Need more evidence.
Dr.Gray changed vote to kill Dr.Beige
Dr.Orange: beige visted arrested
Dr.Gold: too bad that's a tie
Dr.Orange: he bad
Dr.Beige: If it isn't me vote gray
Dr.Violet: teal, I doxxed beige as agent
Dr.Teal voted to kill Dr.Beige
Dr.Orange: it is beige
Dr.Orange: i saw him
Dr.Orange: i recored it
Dr.Orange: on my yt channel
Dr.Beige: Gray went to cyan bro
Dr.Orange: nu uh
Dr.Beige: And i followed gray
Dr.Beige: Uh huh

Committed Actions On Day 4
No actions were committed this turn.

Events for Day 4
Public Event Log «
Dr.Beige was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) CCTV Specialist.
Someone rolled back to a previous state - there are probably fake logs, too.
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Beige) Dr.Beige was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) CCTV Specialist.
(Dr.Orange) You planted fake information in all of the trash bins of the target company.
(Dr.Violet) You have successfully restored and added fake connection logs in the process.

Night 4
Night 4 Chat Log «
Dr.Orange voted to kill Dr.Teal
Dr.Orange: oh well
Dr.Violet: we can just arrest teal
Dr.Teal: Interesting turn of events. I'm innocent, but I understand if doubts arise.
Dr.Orange: must have been teal all of this time
Dr.Gray voted to kill Dr.Teal
Dr.Beige: I literally said to vote gray if it wasn't me sutpid orange
Dr.Violet: teal, in prison everyone is "innocent"
Dr.Teal: I need protection tonight. I fear for my safety.
Dr.Violet: teal
Dr.Violet: we are arresting you
Dr.Gold: I've saved beige before get arrested 'cause was 100% safe why no one trusted him
Dr.Violet: you are last netsec member
Dr.Orange: violet he might be sper that means misdirect and mv
Dr.Beige: Oh it's agent majority
Dr.Orange: so better to vote4
Dr.Orange: imo
Dr.Violet: teal dont do anything tonight
Dr.Beige: It was agent majority, so it didn't matter
Dr.Violet: ill doxx you
Dr.Gold: yeahà
Dr.Beige: Thanks gold
Dr.Violet: arrest teal
Dr.Orange: bro is rp
Dr.Violet: I need coins :)
Dr.Gold: better luck next game
Dr.Orange: arrest
Dr.Orange: :skull:
Dr.Orange: just vote
Dr.Beige: yeah, I had so much fun as cctv
Dr.Orange: we are government
Dr.Violet: also we arent monsters
Dr.Violet: we are the law
Dr.Orange: we can do as we like
Dr.Gray: done
Dr.Violet: we shall capture criminals
Dr.Violet: not kill them
Dr.Violet: what that would make us?
Dr.Orange: killing vi
Dr.Violet: non better than them
Dr.Violet: gg

Committed Actions On Night 4
Dr.Gray: Dr.Gray used skill Arrest on Dr.Teal
Dr.Orange: Dr.Orange used skill Disorganized Murder on Dr.Violet
Dr.Violet: Dr.Violet used skill Cover Support on Dr.Teal

Events for Night 4
Public Event Log «
Dr.Violet was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Agent Leader.
Dr.Teal was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Blackhat.
AGENT successfully took down NETSEC and prevented the hack! AGENT wins!
Private Event Logs «
(Dr.Gray) Dr.Teal was arrested last night. The suspect was charged as Blackhat.
(Dr.Orange) You have murdered Dr.Violet.
(Dr.Teal) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Violet) Someone was watching you last night.
(Dr.Violet) What a waste of resources. Maintaining cover for Dr.Teal was a pointless exercise.
(Dr.Violet) Dr.Violet was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is that the victim was a(n) Agent Leader.

Day 5
Day 5 Chat Log «
No actions were committed this turn.

Events for Day 5
Public Event Log «
No public events.
Private Event Logs «


Click the operative name to see his/hers final personal log.

Finished as Blackhat[BOT]Alpha as "Dr.Azure" started as Blackhat and finished as Blackhat. Obtained 80 credits. Arrested.
Finished as CCTV Specialistdewrcjl as "Dr.Beige" started as CCTV Specialist and finished as CCTV Specialist. Obtained 30 credits. Dead.
Finished as Improvised HackerProphetKane as "Dr.Cyan" started as Inside Man and finished as Improvised Hacker. Obtained 88 credits. Arrested.
Finished as Operation LeaderLordEliCohen as "Dr.Gold" started as Operation Leader and finished as Operation Leader. Obtained 80 credits. Arrested.
Finished as Field Agentlouisa1986007 as "Dr.Gray" started as Field Agent and finished as Field Agent. Obtained 1125 credits. Alive. WINNER!.
Finished as Corrupt Detectiveh3r0br1n3 as "Dr.Indigo" started as Corrupt Detective and finished as Corrupt Detective. Obtained 30 credits. Dead.
Finished as Mole (Converted Field Ops)Ernest as "Dr.Orange" started as Enforcer and finished as Mole (Converted Field Ops). Obtained 1200 credits. Alive. WINNER!.
Finished as Social EngineerSzafirmag as "Dr.Scarlet" started as Social Engineer and finished as Social Engineer. Obtained 30 credits. Dead.
Finished as Blackhat[BOT]Beta as "Dr.Teal" started as Blackhat and finished as Blackhat. Obtained 80 credits. Arrested.
Finished as Agent Leaderklo13 as "Dr.Violet" started as Agent Leader and finished as Agent Leader. Obtained 441 credits. Dead. WINNER!.

Dr.Azure's Personal Log

CLASS: Blackhat

DAY 1: Hack Target (

Dr.Beige's Personal Log

CLASS: camera person only for the streamer lmao
DAY 1: Bait Law Enforcement (Dr.Azure)
NIGHT 1: Install CCTV Surveillance (Dr.Scarlet)
DAY 2: Create Hideout
NIGHT 2: Move Hideout
DAY 3: Bait Law Enforcement (Dr.Cyan)


Dr.Cyan's Personal Log

DAY 1: Insider Knowledge .78
NIGHT 1: Follow Dr.Beige-›scarlet
DAY 2: Plant Keylogger (
NIGHT 2: Follow (Dr.Gray) they used misdirection???
DAY 3: Desperate Measures
we already have two intel nodes with 78 so
NIGHT 3: Move Hideout

Dr.Gold's Personal Log

CLASS: script kiddie
DAY 1: Script Kiddie Attack (
NIGHT 1: Move Hideout
DAY 2: Script Kiddie Attack (

Dr.Gray's Personal Log


Stolen Logs
NIGHT 3: nothing

Dr.Indigo's Personal Log

corrupt detective

DAY 1: Receive Bribe
NIGHT 1: Steal Intel
DAY 2: Upload Intel (

NIGHT 2: Follow (Dr.Beige) (stayed home)

Dr.Orange's Personal Log

CLASS: Enforcer

NIGHT 1: Interrogate (Dr.Teal)
NIGHT 2: Interrogate (Dr.Violet)---thorowed to Dr.Gray--›
NIGHT 3: Escort (Dr.Teal)

Dr.Scarlet's Personal Log

CLASS: ‹Social Engineer›

DAY 1: Hack Target (
NIGHT 1: Doxx and Stalk (Dr.Violet) NetSec
DAY 2: Hack Target (
NIGHT 2: Misdirection
DAY 3: Hack Target (
NIGHT 3: nothing

Dr.Teal's Personal Log

CLASS: Blackhat

DAY 1: Hack Target (
NIGHT 1: Critical Thinking
DAY 2: Hack Target (
NIGHT 2: Critical Thinking
DAY 3: Hack Target (
DAY 4: Hack Target (

Dr.Violet's Personal Log

CLASS: ‹Social Engineer›
DAY 1: Impersonate (Dr.Beige)
NIGHT 1: nothing/watched;
DAY 2: Hack Target (
NIGHT 2: Throw Under a Bus (Dr.Gray)
DAY 3: Impersonate (Dr.Scarlet)
NIGHT 3: Doxx and Stalk (Dr.Beige)AGENT
DAY 4: Hack Target (